[Bese-devel] Typo in suite.lisp

Alan Shutko ats at acm.org
Tue Apr 6 00:56:07 UTC 2004

Unknown misspelled in make-suite.  Sorry I'm sending in a patch, but
setting up a publicly available arch archive for a one-byte change
seemed excessive.

--- orig/src/suite.lisp
+++ mod/src/suite.lisp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 	  for in-suite = (get-test i)
 	  do (progn
 	       (when (null in-suite)
-		 (cerror "Create a new suite named ~A." "Unkown suite ~A." i)
+		 (cerror "Create a new suite named ~A." "Unknown suite ~A." i)
 		 (setf (get-test in-suite) (make-suite in-suite)
 		       in-suite (get-test in-suite)))
 	       (setf (gethash name (tests in-suite)) suite)))

Alan Shutko <ats at acm.org> - I am the rocks.
If you plant bird seed, what do you get?

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