[Bese-devel] some patches for sbcl and clisp

Matthew Kennedy mbkennedy at austin.rr.com
Mon Dec 1 01:37:46 UTC 2003

Marco Baringer <mb at bese.it> writes:


> the patch to src/strings.lisp has been applied (i just added
> :load-toplevel and :execute to the args to eval-when).
> However, the flet problem bugs me. I don't understand why sbcl would
> have issues with that, and i managed to compile and load everything
> in sbcl friday (on a x86 box i don't have access to now). could you
> tell me exactly what the error was?

Sorry for the confusion: the flet problem was with clisp (not sbcl).
Attached is the compilation log which shows the error.

Best regards,


Matthew Kennedy

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