[beirc-cvs] CVS beirc

afuchs afuchs at common-lisp.net
Mon Aug 20 18:39:10 UTC 2007

Update of /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv30307

Modified Files:
	application.lisp package.lisp receivers.lisp variables.lisp 
Log Message:
Finally commit Thomas Persson's patch, too

* Fixes the scrolling bug which surfaced after a semirecent
  mcclim update.

* Changes the default port from irc::*default-irc-server-port* to
  simply 6667 to work around a recent change in cl-irc.

* Added the customizable variable *auto-focused-alist* in order to be
  able to set a number of nicks which are focused by default for
  different channels.

(the original patch included a command translator to close tabs on
middle mouse button click, but I don't think this should be included.)

--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/application.lisp	2007/08/20 18:33:24	1.90
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/application.lisp	2007/08/20 18:39:09	1.91
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     ((frame redisplay-frame-mixin) (pane application-pane) &key force-p)
   (declare (ignore force-p))
-   pane :height (bounding-rectangle-height (stream-output-history pane))))
+   pane :height (bounding-rectangle-height (car (output-record-children (stream-output-history pane))))))
 (define-application-frame beirc (redisplay-frame-mixin
@@ -393,9 +393,22 @@
     (when *application-frame*
       (join-missing-channels *application-frame*)
+(defun auto-focus-nicks ()
+  (dolist (channel *auto-focused-alist*)
+    (let ((receiver (find-receiver (car channel)
+                                   (current-connection *application-frame*)
+                                   *application-frame*)))
+      (when receiver
+        (setf (focused-nicks receiver)
+              (remove-duplicates (append (cdr channel)
+                                         (focused-nicks receiver))
+                                 :test #'equal))
+        (redraw-receiver receiver)))))
 (define-beirc-command (com-reload :name t) ()
-  (load-user-init-file))
+  (load-user-init-file)
+  (auto-focus-nicks))
 (define-beirc-command (com-identify :name t) (&key
                                               (password 'string :prompt "Password"
@@ -938,7 +951,7 @@
      (nick 'string :prompt "Nick name" :default *default-nick*)
      (realname 'string :prompt "Real name (phrase)" :default *default-realname*)
      (pass 'string :prompt "Password" :default nil)
-     (port 'number :prompt "Port" :default nil))
+     (port 'number :prompt "Port" :default 6667))
   (let ((success nil)
         (maybe-server-receiver (server-receiver-from-args *application-frame* server port nick)))
     (or (and maybe-server-receiver (connection-open-p maybe-server-receiver))
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/package.lisp	2007/02/24 10:58:16	1.6
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/package.lisp	2007/08/20 18:39:09	1.7
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
              #:*hyperspec-base-url* #:*default-fill-column* #:*timestamp-column-orientation*
              #:*default-nick* #:*nickserv-password-alist* #:*default-web-browser
-             #:*auto-join-alist*)
+             #:*auto-join-alist* #:*auto-focused-alist*)
     (:import-from #:cl-irc #:&req))
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/receivers.lisp	2007/02/24 10:58:16	1.29
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/receivers.lisp	2007/08/20 18:39:09	1.30
@@ -109,7 +109,10 @@
           (if (equal (current-process) (ui-process frame))
               (funcall creator frame)
               (queue-beirc-event frame (make-instance 'new-sheet-event :sheet frame :creator creator)))
-          (setf (gethash (list connection normalized-name) (receivers frame)) receiver)
+          (setf (gethash (list connection normalized-name) (receivers frame)) receiver
+                (focused-nicks receiver) (cdr (assoc normalized-name
+                                                     *auto-focused-alist*
+                                                     :test #'equal)))
 (defun reinit-receiver-for-new-connection (server-receiver connection &optional (frame *application-frame*))
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/variables.lisp	2006/05/09 17:08:03	1.17
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/variables.lisp	2007/08/20 18:39:09	1.18
@@ -65,4 +65,9 @@
 (defvar *filter-colors* nil
   "If set to non-NIL, filter color, bold, inverse and underline
-codes from IRC messages.")
\ No newline at end of file
+codes from IRC messages.")
+(defvar *auto-focused-alist* nil
+  "An alist mapping channels to nicks which will be focused by
+default. Each element should have the following format:
+(\"#channel-name\" . (\"nick1\" \"nick2\"))")

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