[beirc-cvs] CVS beirc

afuchs afuchs at common-lisp.net
Mon Mar 6 10:21:28 UTC 2006

Update of /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv26302

Modified Files:
	application.lisp message-processing.lisp receivers.lisp 
Log Message:
Great input saving improvements; Fix browse-url; fix nickname changing

 * Apply patch by Stelian Ionescu for browse-url
 * Make own-nickname change hook use the right connection.
 * Improve read-frame-command to correctly interpret keystroke accels.

 * Make read-frame-command save the input line when a command is
   invoked when there is input on the line. We use a mcclim-specific
   frame-input-context-button-press-handler for the mouse clicking
   part of that.

--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/application.lisp	2006/03/01 09:23:01	1.48
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/application.lisp	2006/03/06 10:21:27	1.49
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
 (in-package :beirc)
+#+(or)(declaim (optimize (debug 2)
+                   (speed 0)
+                   (space 0)))
 ;;;; Quick guide:
 ;; Start with (beirc)
@@ -160,8 +164,6 @@
 (defvar *beirc-frame*)
-(defvar *last-input-line* nil)
 (defun beirc-status-display (*application-frame* *standard-output*)
   (with-text-family (t :sans-serif)
     (multiple-value-bind (seconds minutes hours) (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))
@@ -271,8 +273,7 @@
            (lambda ()
              (progv syms vals
-               (let* ((*last-input-line* nil)
-                      (frame (make-application-frame 'beirc))
+               (let* ((frame (make-application-frame 'beirc))
                       (ticker-process (clim-sys:make-process (lambda () (ticker frame))
                                                              :name "Beirc Ticker")))
                  (setf *beirc-frame* frame)
@@ -406,7 +407,8 @@
                           (not (eql receiver (current-receiver *application-frame*)))
                           (= 0
                              (unseen-messages receiver) (all-unseen-messages receiver)
-                             (messages-directed-to-me receiver))
+                             (messages-directed-to-me receiver)
+                             (length (incomplete-input receiver)))
                           (null (irc:find-channel (connection receiver) (title receiver)))
                           (> (- (get-universal-time) (last-visited receiver)) *max-query-inactive-time*))
                  (push receiver receivers-to-close)))
@@ -565,10 +567,10 @@
   (irc:nick (current-connection *application-frame*) new-nick))
 (define-beirc-command (com-browse-url :name t) ((url 'url :prompt "url"))
-  #+sbcl
-  (sb-ext:run-program *default-web-browser* `(,url) :wait nil)
-  #+openmcl
-  (ccl:run-program *default-web-browser* `(,url) :wait nil))
+  (handler-case
+      #+sbcl (sb-ext:run-program *default-web-browser* `(,url) :wait nil)
+      #+openmcl (ccl:run-program *default-web-browser* `(,url) :wait nil)
+    #+sbcl (simple-error (e) (format t "~a" e))))
 (define-presentation-to-command-translator nickname-to-ignore-translator
     (nickname com-ignore beirc
@@ -800,27 +802,100 @@
   (loop for (conn . receiver) in (server-receivers frame)
         do (disconnect (connection receiver) frame reason)))
-(defmethod clim:read-frame-command ((frame beirc) &key (stream *standard-input*))
+;;; irc command and mumble reading
+(defun save-input-line (stream frame)
+  (let ((buffer (stream-input-buffer stream)))
+    (setf (incomplete-input (current-receiver frame))
+          (with-output-to-string (s)
+            (loop for elt across buffer
+                  if (characterp elt)
+                    do (write-char elt s))))))
+(define-condition invoked-command-by-clicking ()
+  ()
+  (:documentation "A condition that is invoked when the user
+  clicked on a command or on a presentation that invokes a
+  presentation-to-command translator. typically,
+  read-frame-command will handle it and save the input line."))
+(defmethod frame-input-context-button-press-handler :around ((frame beirc) stream event)
+  "Unportable method for saving the current input buffer in case
+the user invokes a command while typing."
+  (let* ((x (pointer-event-x event))
+         (y (pointer-event-y event))
+         (window (event-sheet event))
+         (presentation (frame-find-innermost-applicable-presentation frame *input-context* stream x y :event event)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (p translator context)
+	(climi::find-innermost-presentation-match *input-context*
+                                                  presentation
+                                                  *application-frame*
+                                                  (event-sheet event)
+                                                  x y
+                                                  event
+                                                  0
+                                                  nil)
+      (when p
+	(multiple-value-bind (object ptype options)
+	    (call-presentation-translator translator
+					  p
+					  (input-context-type context)
+					  *application-frame*
+					  event
+					  window
+					  x y)
+          (declare (ignore object options))
+	  (when (and ptype (presentation-subtypep ptype 'command)
+                     (boundp '*current-input-stream*) *current-input-stream*)
+            (restart-case (signal 'invoked-command-by-clicking)
+              (acknowledged ())))))))
+  (call-next-method))
+(defmethod read-frame-command ((frame beirc) &key (stream *standard-input*))
     (clim:with-input-editing (stream)
-      (when *last-input-line*
-        (replace-input stream *last-input-line* :rescan t)) 
+      (when (incomplete-input (current-receiver frame))
+        (replace-input stream (incomplete-input (current-receiver frame)) :rescan t))
       (with-input-context ('command) (object)
-          (let ((c (clim:read-gesture :stream stream :peek-p t)))
-            (multiple-value-prog1
-              (cond ((eql c #\/)
-                     (clim:read-gesture :stream stream)
-                     (clim:accept 'clim:command :stream stream :prompt nil))
-                    (t
-                     (list 'com-say (accept 'mumble :history 'mumble :prompt nil :stream stream))))
-              (setf *last-input-line* nil)))
+          (with-command-table-keystrokes (*accelerator-gestures* (frame-command-table frame))
+            (catch 'keystroke-command
+              (let ((force-restore-input-state nil))
+                (handler-bind ((accelerator-gesture
+                                (lambda (gesture)
+                                  (save-input-line stream frame)
+                                  (throw 'keystroke-command (lookup-keystroke-command-item
+                                                             (accelerator-gesture-event gesture)
+                                                             (frame-command-table frame)))))
+                               (abort-gesture
+                                (lambda (gesture)
+                                  (declare (ignore gesture))
+                                  (setf (incomplete-input (current-receiver frame)) ""
+                                        force-restore-input-state nil)))
+                               (invoked-command-by-clicking
+                                (lambda (cond)
+                                  (declare (ignore cond))
+                                  (save-input-line stream frame)
+                                  (setf force-restore-input-state t)
+                                  (invoke-restart 'acknowledged))))
+                  (let ((c (clim:read-gesture :stream stream :peek-p t)))
+                    (multiple-value-prog1
+                      (cond ((eql c #\/)
+                             (clim:read-gesture :stream stream)
+                             ;; XXX: when accepting commands, the
+                             ;; input buffer line will not be saved
+                             ;; if the user selects a command or
+                             ;; presentation-translated-to-a-command.
+                             ;;
+                             ;; maybe using *pointer-button-press-handler* could work.
+                             (accept 'command :stream stream :prompt nil))
+                            (t
+                             (list 'com-say (accept 'mumble :history 'mumble :prompt nil :stream stream))))
+                      (if force-restore-input-state
+                          (setf force-restore-input-state nil)
+                          (setf (incomplete-input (current-receiver frame)) ""))))))))
-         (let ((buffer (stream-input-buffer stream)))
-           (when (every 'characterp buffer)
-             (setf *last-input-line*
-                   (with-output-to-string (s)
-                     (loop for char across buffer
-                           do (write-char char s))))))
+         (save-input-line stream frame)
     (window-clear stream)))
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-processing.lisp	2006/03/02 21:46:49	1.3
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-processing.lisp	2006/03/06 10:21:28	1.4
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@
                                  connection *application-frame*)))
       ;; we changed our nick
-      ((string= (irc:normalize-nickname connection (current-nickname))
+      ((string= (irc:normalize-nickname connection (current-nickname connection))
                 (irc:normalize-nickname connection (irc:source message)))
        (setf (irc:nickname (irc:user (irc:connection message)))
              (car (last (irc:arguments message)))
              (irc:normalized-nickname (irc:user (irc:connection message)))
              (irc:normalize-nickname connection (car (last (irc:arguments message))))))
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/receivers.lisp	2006/03/02 21:46:49	1.20
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/receivers.lisp	2006/03/06 10:21:28	1.21
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 (in-package :beirc)
+#+(or)(declaim (optimize (debug 2)
+                   (speed 0)
+                   (space 0)))
 (defclass receiver ()
      ((messages :accessor messages :initform nil)
       (unseen-messages :accessor unseen-messages :initform 0)
@@ -11,6 +13,7 @@
       (focused-nicks :accessor focused-nicks :initform nil)
       (title :reader title :initarg :title)
       (last-visited :accessor last-visited :initform 0)
+      (incomplete-input :accessor incomplete-input :initform "")
       (pane :reader pane)
       (tab-pane :accessor tab-pane)))
@@ -82,21 +85,21 @@
          (rec (find-receiver name connection frame)))
     (if rec
-        (let ((*application-frame* frame))
-          (let ((receiver (apply 'make-paneless-receiver normalized-name :connection connection
-                                 initargs)))
-            (initialize-receiver-with-pane receiver frame
-                                           (with-look-and-feel-realization
-                                               ((frame-manager *application-frame*) *application-frame*)
-                                             (make-clim-application-pane
-                                              :display-function
-                                              (lambda (frame pane)
-                                                (beirc-app-display frame pane receiver))
-                                              :display-time nil
-                                              :min-width 600 :min-height 800
-                                              :incremental-redisplay t)))
-            (setf (gethash (list connection normalized-name) (receivers frame)) receiver)
-            receiver)))))
+        (let ((*application-frame* frame)
+              (receiver (apply 'make-paneless-receiver normalized-name :connection connection
+                               initargs)))
+          (initialize-receiver-with-pane receiver frame
+                                         (with-look-and-feel-realization
+                                             ((frame-manager *application-frame*) *application-frame*)
+                                           (make-clim-application-pane
+                                            :display-function
+                                            (lambda (frame pane)
+                                              (beirc-app-display frame pane receiver))
+                                            :display-time nil
+                                            :min-width 600 :min-height 800
+                                            :incremental-redisplay t)))
+          (setf (gethash (list connection normalized-name) (receivers frame)) receiver)
+          receiver))))
 (defun remove-receiver (receiver frame)
   (tab-layout:remove-pane (tab-pane receiver)

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