[beirc-cvs] CVS beirc

afuchs afuchs at common-lisp.net
Sun Feb 26 18:41:21 UTC 2006

Update of /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv17598

Modified Files:
	application.lisp beirc.asd message-display.lisp 
Added Files:
Log Message:
factor out (and clean up) message processing from application.lisp and implement away status tracking.

--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/application.lisp	2006/02/26 15:53:30	1.46
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/application.lisp	2006/02/26 18:41:21	1.47
@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@
      (ignored-nicks :initform nil)
      (receivers :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :accessor receivers)
      (server-receivers :initform nil :reader server-receivers)
-     (tab-panes-to-receivers :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :accessor tab-panes-to-receivers))
+     (tab-panes-to-receivers :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :accessor tab-panes-to-receivers)
+     (presence :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :reader presence))
@@ -143,6 +144,11 @@
   (setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'connection-processes)
         (delete connection (connection-processes *application-frame*) :key #'car)))
+(defmethod away-status ((frame beirc) connection)
+  (gethash connection (presence frame)))
+(defmethod (setf away-status) (newval (frame beirc) connection)
+  (setf (gethash connection (presence frame)) newval))
 (defmethod current-nickname (&optional (connection (current-connection *application-frame*)))
   (let ((user (when connection
@@ -160,9 +166,10 @@
   (with-text-family (t :sans-serif)
     (multiple-value-bind (seconds minutes hours) (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))
-      (format t "~2,'0D:~2,'0D    ~A on ~A~@[ speaking to ~A~]~100T~D messages"
+      (format t "~2,'0D:~2,'0D    ~A~:[~;(away)~] on ~A~@[ speaking to ~A~]~100T~D messages"
               hours minutes
+              (away-status *application-frame* (current-connection *application-frame*))
               (length (current-messages))))))
@@ -786,7 +793,7 @@
       (irc:quit connection reason)
       (when (not (eql (clim-sys:current-process)
                       (connection-process frame connection)))
-        (destroy-process (print (connection-process frame connection) *debug-io*)))
+        (destroy-process (connection-process frame connection)))
       (remove-connection-process frame connection))))
 (defun disconnect-all (frame reason)
@@ -817,64 +824,6 @@
     (window-clear stream)))
-(defun restart-beirc ()
-  (clim-sys:destroy-process *gui-process*)
-  (setf *beirc-frame* nil)
-  (beirc)
-  (clim-sys:process-wait "waiting for beirc" (lambda () *beirc-frame*)))
-(defmethod process-message (*application-frame* (message irc:irc-ping-message))
-;  (describe message *trace-output*)
-;  (finish-output *trace-output*)
-  ;; ###
-  (irc:pong (current-connection *application-frame*) "localhost")
-  nil)  ;### put the server you initially connected to here.
-(defmethod trailing-argument* (message)
-  (car (last (irc:arguments message))))
-(defmethod trailing-argument* ((message cl-irc:ctcp-action-message))
-  (or
-   (ignore-errors                       ;###
-     (let ((p1 (position #\space (car (last (irc:arguments message))))))
-       (subseq (car (last (irc:arguments message)))
-	       (1+ p1)
-	       (1- (length (car (last (irc:arguments message))))))))
-   "#Garbage parsing message#"))
-(defmethod process-message (*application-frame* (message cl-irc:ctcp-action-message))
-;  (describe message *trace-output*)
-;  (print (trailing-argument* message) *trace-output*)
-  )
-(defmethod process-message (*application-frame* message)
-;  (describe message *trace-output*)
-;  (finish-output *trace-output*)
-  nil)
-(defclass beirc-connection (irc:connection)
-     ())
-(defmethod preprocess-message ((connection beirc-connection) (message irc:irc-nick-message))
-  (when (string= (irc:normalize-nickname connection (current-nickname))
-                 (irc:normalize-nickname connection (irc:source message)))
-    (setf (irc:nickname (irc:user (irc:connection message)))
-          (car (last (irc:arguments message)))
-          (irc:normalized-nickname (irc:user (irc:connection message)))
-          (irc:normalize-nickname connection (car (last (irc:arguments message)))))))
-(defmethod preprocess-message (connection message)
-  nil)
-(defmethod irc::irc-message-event :around ((connection beirc-connection) message)
-  (preprocess-message connection message)
-  (post-message *application-frame* message)
-  (call-next-method))
 (defun irc-event-loop (frame connection)
        (let ((*application-frame* frame))
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/beirc.asd	2005/09/25 15:48:32	1.5
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/beirc.asd	2006/02/26 18:41:21	1.6
@@ -12,4 +12,5 @@
                (:file "receivers" :depends-on ("package" "variables"))
                (:file "presentations" :depends-on ("package" "variables" "receivers"))
                (:file "message-display" :depends-on ("package" "variables" "presentations"))
-               (:file "application" :depends-on ("package" "variables" "presentations" "receivers"))))
\ No newline at end of file
+               (:file "application" :depends-on ("package" "variables" "presentations" "receivers"))
+               (:file "message-processing" :depends-on ("package" "variables" "receivers" "application"))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-display.lisp	2006/02/25 19:55:56	1.36
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-display.lisp	2006/02/26 18:41:21	1.37
@@ -133,6 +133,18 @@
 ;;; privmsg-like messages
+(defmethod trailing-argument* (message)
+  (car (last (irc:arguments message))))
+(defmethod trailing-argument* ((message cl-irc:ctcp-action-message))
+  (or
+   (ignore-errors                       ;###
+     (let ((p1 (position #\space (car (last (irc:arguments message))))))
+       (subseq (car (last (irc:arguments message)))
+	       (1+ p1)
+	       (1- (length (car (last (irc:arguments message))))))))
+   "#Garbage parsing message#"))
 (defun print-privmsg-like-message (message receiver start-string end-string)

--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-processing.lisp	2006/02/26 18:41:21	NONE
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-processing.lisp	2006/02/26 18:41:21	1.1
(in-package :beirc)

;;; Functions and protocols related to message processing in beirc.

;;; Incoming IRC messages are caught by specializing
;;; irc:irc-message-event, which processes messages in this way:
;;;  1. The message is preprocessed by preprocess-message.
;;;  2. The message is posted to the application frame.
;;;  3. The message is processed by cl-irc's hooks.

(defvar *beirc-message-hooks* (make-hash-table))

(defclass beirc-connection (irc:connection)

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance beirc-connection) &rest initargs)
  (declare (ignore initargs))
  (loop for hooks being the hash-values in *beirc-message-hooks* using (hash-key message-class)
        do (loop for hook in hooks
                 do (irc:add-hook instance message-class hook))))

(defmethod irc:irc-message-event :around ((connection beirc-connection) message)
  "Dispatch IRC messages to Beirc for display before cl-irc
mangles the channel/connection/user state."
  (preprocess-message connection message)
  (post-message *application-frame* message)

;;; Message preprocessing

(defmethod preprocess-message ((connection beirc-connection) (message irc:irc-nick-message))
  "Change the connection's local user's nickname if it is the
local user that changed its nickname."
  (when (string= (irc:normalize-nickname connection (current-nickname))
                 (irc:normalize-nickname connection (irc:source message)))
    (setf (irc:nickname (irc:user (irc:connection message)))
          (car (last (irc:arguments message)))
          (irc:normalized-nickname (irc:user (irc:connection message)))
          (irc:normalize-nickname connection (car (last (irc:arguments message)))))))

(defmethod preprocess-message (connection message)

;;; Traditional cl-irc message hooks

(defmacro define-beirc-hook (hook-name ((message-var &rest message-types)) &body body)
  "Convenience macro for defining message hooks that are added at
connection instantiation time."
  `(progn (defun ,hook-name (,message-var) , at body)
          ,@(loop for message-type in message-types
                  collect `(pushnew ',hook-name (gethash ',message-type *beirc-message-hooks*)))

(define-beirc-hook update-away-status ((message irc:irc-rpl_noaway-message irc:irc-rpl_unaway-message))
  "Set/Unset away status."
  (print (away-status *application-frame* (irc:connection message)) *debug-io*)
  (setf (away-status *application-frame* (irc:connection message))
        (typep message 'irc:irc-rpl_noaway-message)))

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