[beirc-cvs] CVS beirc

afuchs afuchs at common-lisp.net
Sat Feb 25 15:22:23 UTC 2006

Update of /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv16258

Modified Files:
	application.lisp message-display.lisp presentations.lisp 
Log Message:
Multi-server support; also, make mode change printing more robust.

There's a bug on /quit that I couldn't figure out; users are advised
to use the terminate-thread restart for now (or help me find the bug


 * /connect allows opening more than one connection now.
 * (current-connection frame) now returns the current connection of
   the currently selected receiver.
   * this means that every command operates on the current connection
   * (except /quit, which terminates all connections and closes the

--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/application.lisp	2006/02/23 19:43:29	1.40
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/application.lisp	2006/02/25 15:22:22	1.41
@@ -70,12 +70,11 @@
 (define-application-frame beirc (redisplay-frame-mixin
-    ((connection :initform nil :reader current-connection)
-     (connection-process :initform nil :accessor connection-process)
+    ((connection-processes :initform nil :accessor connection-processes)
      (nick :initform nil)
      (ignored-nicks :initform nil)
      (receivers :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :accessor receivers)
-     (server-receiver :initform (make-paneless-receiver "*Server*") :reader server-receiver)
+     (server-receivers :initform nil :reader server-receivers)
      (tab-panes-to-receivers :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :accessor tab-panes-to-receivers))
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@
        (vertically ()
          (with-tab-layout ('receiver-pane :name 'query)
-           ("*Server*" server 'receiver-pane))
+           ("*Not Connected*" server 'receiver-pane))
          ;; (68 io) ;; no drop-shadow prompt
          (72 io)
          (20 pointer-doc)
@@ -121,6 +120,26 @@
+(defmethod current-connection ((frame beirc))
+  (when (current-receiver frame)
+    (connection (current-receiver frame))))
+(defmethod server-receiver ((frame beirc)
+                            &optional (connection (current-connection *application-frame*)))
+  (cdr (assoc connection (server-receivers frame) :test #'connection=)))
+(defmethod (setf server-receiver) (newval (frame beirc)
+                                          &optional (connection (current-connection *application-frame*)))
+  (pushnew (cons connection newval) (slot-value frame 'server-receivers)
+           :key #'car :test #'connection=))
+(defmethod connection-process ((frame beirc) connection)
+  (cdr (assoc connection (connection-processes frame) :test #'connection=)))
+(defmethod (setf connection-process) (newval (frame beirc) connection)
+  (pushnew (cons connection newval) (slot-value frame 'connection-processes)
+           :key #'car :test #'connection=))
 (defvar *gui-process* nil)
 (defvar *beirc-frame*)
@@ -242,9 +261,8 @@
                  (setf *beirc-frame* frame)
                  (run-frame-top-level frame)
-                 (unless (null (current-connection frame))
-                   (irc:quit (current-connection frame) "Client Quit"))
-                 (clim-sys:destroy-process ticker-process))))))))
+                 (clim-sys:destroy-process ticker-process)
+                 (disconnect-all frame "Client Quit"))))))))
 (defun message-directed-to-me-p (frame message)
   (irc:destructuring-arguments (&last body) message
@@ -314,7 +332,8 @@
                (format nil "IDENTIFY ~A" password)))
 (define-beirc-command (com-query :name t) ((nick 'nickname :prompt "who"))
-  (raise-receiver (intern-receiver nick *application-frame* :query nick)))
+  (raise-receiver (intern-receiver nick (current-connection *application-frame*)
+                                   *application-frame* :query nick)))
 (define-beirc-command (com-raise :name t) ((receiver 'receiver :prompt "receiver"))
   (raise-receiver receiver))
@@ -413,7 +432,7 @@
   (make-instance message-type
      :received-time (get-universal-time)
-     :connection :local
+     :connection (current-connection *application-frame*)
      :arguments `(, at arguments ,trailing-argument)
      :command command
      :HOST "localhost"
@@ -467,13 +486,12 @@
   (irc:away (current-connection *application-frame*) ""))
 (define-beirc-command (com-quit :name t) ((reason 'mumble :prompt "reason"))
-  (when (current-connection *application-frame*)
-    (disconnect *application-frame* reason))
+  (disconnect-all *application-frame* reason)
   (frame-exit *application-frame*))
 (define-beirc-command (com-disconnect :name t) ((reason 'mumble :prompt "reason"))
   (when (current-connection *application-frame*)
-    (disconnect *application-frame* reason)))
+    (disconnect (current-connection *application-frame*) *application-frame* reason)))
 (define-beirc-command (com-switch-timestamp-orientation :name t) ()
   (setf *timestamp-column-orientation* (if (eql *timestamp-column-orientation* :left)
@@ -505,15 +523,14 @@
   (com-msg (target) what))
 (define-beirc-command (com-me :name t) ((what 'mumble :prompt nil))
-  (with-slots (connection) *application-frame*
-    (let ((m (make-fake-irc-message 'irc:ctcp-action-message
+  (let ((m (make-fake-irc-message 'irc:ctcp-action-message
                                     (format nil "~AACTION ~A~A" (code-char 1) what (code-char 1))
                                     :arguments (list (target))
                                     :command "PRIVMSG"))) ;###
       (post-message *application-frame* m)
-      (irc:privmsg connection (target)
-                   (format nil "~AACTION ~A~A" (code-char 1) what (code-char 1))))))
+      (irc:privmsg (current-connection *application-frame*) (target)
+                   (format nil "~AACTION ~A~A" (code-char 1) what (code-char 1)))))
 (define-beirc-command (com-nick :name t) ((new-nick 'string :prompt "new nick"))
   (setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'nick) new-nick) ;This is _not_ the way to do it.
@@ -697,9 +714,16 @@
   (format nil "*!*@~A" (irc:hostname (irc:find-user (current-connection *application-frame*) object))))
 (define-beirc-command (com-join :name t) ((channel 'channel :prompt "channel"))
-  (raise-receiver (intern-receiver channel *application-frame* :channel channel))
+  (raise-receiver (intern-receiver channel (current-connection *application-frame*)
+                                   *application-frame* :channel channel))
   (irc:join (current-connection *application-frame*) channel))
+(defun connection= (connection1 connection2)
+  ;; TODO: should compare by network, not by server name.
+  ;; TODO: also, there is no port that we could compare.
+  (and (equal (irc:nickname (irc:user connection1)) (irc:nickname (irc:user connection2)))
+       (equal (irc:server-name connection1) (irc:server-name connection2))))
 (define-beirc-command (com-connect :name t)
     ((server 'string :prompt "Server")
@@ -707,54 +731,47 @@
      (pass 'string :prompt "Password" :default nil)
      (port 'number :prompt "Port" :default irc::*default-irc-server-port*))
   (let ((success nil))
-    (cond ((current-connection *application-frame*)
-               (format *query-io* "You are already connected.~%"))
-              (t
-               (setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'connection)
-                     (apply #'irc:connect
-                            :nickname nick :server server :connection-type 'beirc-connection :port port
-                            (if (null pass)
-                                nil
-                                `(:password ,pass))))
-               (unwind-protect
-                   (progn
-                     (setf (irc:client-stream (current-connection *application-frame*))
-                           (make-broadcast-stream))
-                     (setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'nick) nick)
-                     (let ((connection (current-connection *application-frame*)))
-                       (let ((frame *application-frame*))
-                         (loop for receiver being the hash-values of (receivers frame)
-                               if (channelp (channel receiver))
-                                 do (irc:join connection (channel receiver)))
-                         (join-missing-channels frame)
-                         (initialize-receiver-with-pane (server-receiver frame) frame
-                                                        (find-pane-named frame 'server)
-                                                        :add-pane-p nil)
-                         (setf (gethash "*Server*" (receivers frame)) (server-receiver frame))
-                         (setf (connection-process *application-frame*)
-                               (clim-sys:make-process #'(lambda ()
-                                                          (restart-case
-                                                              (irc-event-loop frame connection)
-                                                            (disconnect ()
-                                                              :report "Disconnect from IRC"
-                                                              (disconnect frame "Client Disconnect"))))
-                                                      :name "IRC Message Muffling Loop"))))
-                     (setf success t))
-                 (unless success
-                    (disconnect *application-frame* "Client error.")))))))
+    (let* ((frame *application-frame*)
+           (connection (apply #'irc:connect
+                              :nickname nick :server server :connection-type 'beirc-connection :port port
+                              (if (null pass)
+                                  nil
+                                  `(:password ,pass))))
+           (server-receiver (intern-receiver (format nil "~A on ~A:~A" nick server port) connection frame)))
+      (unwind-protect
+          (progn
+            (setf (irc:client-stream connection) (make-broadcast-stream))
+            (setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'nick) nick)
+            (when (tab-layout:find-in-tab-panes-list (find-pane-named frame 'server)
+                                                     (find-pane-named frame 'query))
+              (tab-layout:remove-pane (find-pane-named frame 'server)
+                                      (find-pane-named frame 'query)))
+            (setf (server-receiver frame connection) server-receiver)
+            (setf (connection-process *application-frame* connection)
+                  (clim-sys:make-process #'(lambda ()
+                                             (restart-case
+                                                 (irc-event-loop frame connection)
+                                               (disconnect ()
+                                                 :report "Terminate this connection"
+                                                 (disconnect connection frame "Client Disconnect"))))
+                                         :name "IRC Message Muffling Loop"))
+            (setf success t))
+        (unless success
+          (disconnect connection frame "Client error."))))))
-(defun disconnect (frame reason)
+(defun disconnect (connection frame reason)
   (raise-receiver (server-receiver frame))
-  (irc:quit (current-connection frame) reason)
-  (when (and (connection-process frame)
+  (irc:quit connection reason)
+  (when (and (connection-process frame connection)
              (not (eql (clim-sys:current-process)
-                       (connection-process frame))))
-    (destroy-process (connection-process frame)))
-  (setf (slot-value frame 'connection) nil
-        (connection-process frame) nil
+                       (connection-process frame connection))))
+    (destroy-process (connection-process frame connection)))
+  (setf (connection-process frame connection) nil
         (slot-value frame 'nick) nil))
+(defun disconnect-all (frame reason)
+  (loop for (conn . receiver) in (server-receivers frame)
+        do (disconnect (connection receiver) frame reason)))
 (defmethod clim:read-frame-command ((frame beirc) &key (stream *standard-input*))
@@ -768,7 +785,7 @@
                      (clim:read-gesture :stream stream)
                      (clim:accept 'clim:command :stream stream :prompt nil))
-                     (list 'com-say (accept 'mumble :prompt nil :stream stream))))
+                     (list 'com-say (accept 'mumble :history 'mumble :prompt nil :stream stream))))
               (setf *last-input-line* nil)))
          (let ((buffer (stream-input-buffer stream)))
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-display.lisp	2006/02/22 16:30:50	1.32
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-display.lisp	2006/02/25 15:22:22	1.33
@@ -396,8 +396,8 @@
                           target mode)))
 (defmethod print-mode-change (target op mode (user irc:user))
-  (format t "~A~A:" op (mode-symbol-to-char target mode))
-  (present (irc:nickname user) 'nickname))
+    (format t "~A~A:" op (mode-symbol-to-char target mode))
+    (present (irc:nickname user) 'nickname))
 (defmethod print-mode-change (target op (mode (eql :limit)) arg)
   (format t "~A~A" op (mode-symbol-to-char target mode))
@@ -405,12 +405,6 @@
     (write-char #\:)
     (present arg 'number)))
-(defmethod print-mode-change (target op (mode (eql :key)) arg)
-  (format t "~A~A" op (mode-symbol-to-char target mode))
-  (when (not (null arg))
-    (write-char #\:)
-    (present arg 'string)))
 (macrolet ((define-mode-change-with-hostmask-printer (&rest modes)
                   ,@(loop for mode in modes
@@ -419,8 +413,8 @@
                                      (present mask 'hostmask))))))
   (define-mode-change-with-hostmask-printer :ban :invite :except))
-(defmethod print-mode-change (target op mode (arg (eql nil)))
-  (format t "~A~A" op (mode-symbol-to-char target mode)))
+(defmethod print-mode-change (target op mode arg)
+  (format t "~A~A~:[~;:~A~]" op (mode-symbol-to-char target mode) arg arg))
 (defmethod print-message ((message irc:irc-mode-message) receiver)
   (case (length (irc:arguments message))
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/presentations.lisp	2006/01/27 17:18:04	1.8
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/presentations.lisp	2006/02/25 15:22:22	1.9
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 (defun nick-equals-my-nick-p (nickname)
   (and (not (null *application-frame*))
-       (not (null (slot-value *application-frame* 'connection)))
+       (not (null (current-connection *application-frame*)))
        (equal (irc:normalize-nickname (current-connection *application-frame*)
                                       (slot-value *application-frame* 'nick))
               (irc:normalize-nickname (current-connection *application-frame*)
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/receivers.lisp	2006/02/22 16:30:50	1.16
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/receivers.lisp	2006/02/25 15:22:22	1.17
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
       (all-unseen-messages :accessor all-unseen-messages :initform 0)
       (messages-directed-to-me :accessor messages-directed-to-me :initform 0)
       (channel :reader channel :initform nil :initarg :channel)
+      (connection :accessor connection :initarg :connection)
       (query :reader query :initform nil :initarg :query) ;; <- XXX: remove this.
       (focused-nicks :accessor focused-nicks :initform nil)
       (title :reader title :initarg :title)
@@ -59,17 +60,18 @@
         (change-space-requirements pane)))
   (setf (gethash (tab-pane receiver) (tab-panes-to-receivers frame)) receiver))
-(defun find-receiver (name frame)
-  (gethash (irc:normalize-channel-name (slot-value frame 'connection) name)
+(defun find-receiver (name connection frame)
+  (gethash (list connection (irc:normalize-channel-name connection name))
            (receivers frame)))
-(defun intern-receiver (name frame &rest initargs)
-  (let* ((normalized-name (irc:normalize-channel-name (slot-value frame 'connection) name))
-         (rec (find-receiver name frame)))
+(defun intern-receiver (name connection frame &rest initargs)
+  (let* ((normalized-name (irc:normalize-channel-name connection name))
+         (rec (find-receiver name connection frame)))
     (if rec
         (let ((*application-frame* frame))
-          (let ((receiver (apply 'make-paneless-receiver normalized-name initargs)))
+          (let ((receiver (apply 'make-paneless-receiver normalized-name :connection connection
+                                 initargs)))
             (initialize-receiver-with-pane receiver frame
                                                ((frame-manager *application-frame*) *application-frame*)
@@ -80,7 +82,7 @@
                                               :display-time nil
                                               :min-width 600 :min-height 800
                                               :incremental-redisplay t)))
-            (setf (gethash normalized-name (receivers frame)) receiver)
+            (setf (gethash (list connection normalized-name) (receivers frame)) receiver)
 (defun remove-receiver (receiver frame)
@@ -115,19 +117,19 @@
                `(defmethod receiver-for-message ((message ,message-type) frame)
                   (let* ((mynick (irc:normalize-nickname (current-connection frame)
                                                              (slot-value frame 'nick)))
-                             (nominal-target (irc:normalize-channel-name (slot-value frame 'connection)
+                             (nominal-target (irc:normalize-channel-name (irc:connection message)
                                                                          (first (irc:arguments message))))
                              (target (if (equal nominal-target mynick)
                                          (irc:source message)
-                    (cond ((find-receiver target frame)
-                           (intern-receiver target frame :channel target))
+                    (cond ((find-receiver target (irc:connection message) frame)
+                           (intern-receiver target (irc:connection message) frame :channel target))
                           ((or (global-notice-p message nominal-target frame)
                                (and (from-network-service-p (irc:source message) frame)
                                     (equal nominal-target mynick)))
-                           (server-receiver frame))
+                           (server-receiver frame (irc:connection message)))
-                           (intern-receiver target frame :channel target)))))))
+                           (intern-receiver target (irc:connection message) frame :channel target)))))))
   (define-privmsg-receiver-lookup irc:irc-privmsg-message)
   (define-privmsg-receiver-lookup irc:ctcp-action-message)
   (define-privmsg-receiver-lookup irc:irc-notice-message))
@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@
                `(defmethod receiver-for-message ((message ,message-type) frame)
                   (remove nil
                           (mapcar (lambda (channel)
-                                    (find-receiver (irc:name channel) frame))
+                                    (find-receiver (irc:name channel) (irc:connection message) frame))
                                   (let ((user (irc:find-user (current-connection frame)
                                                              (irc:source message))))
                                     (when user
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@
                                          (let ((target ,(if (numberp nth)
                                                             `(nth ,nth (irc:arguments message))
                                                             `(first (last (irc:arguments message))))))
-                                           (intern-receiver target frame :channel target))))))))
+                                           (intern-receiver target (irc:connection message) frame :channel target))))))))
       (0 irc:irc-topic-message irc:irc-kick-message)
       (1 irc:irc-rpl_topic-message irc:irc-rpl_topicwhotime-message
@@ -172,17 +174,17 @@
 (defmethod receiver-for-message ((message irc:irc-part-message) frame)
   (let ((target (first (irc:arguments message))))
     (if (and
-         (null (find-receiver target frame))
+         (null (find-receiver target (irc:connection message) frame))
          (string= (irc:source message) (slot-value frame 'nick)))
-        (server-receiver frame) ; don't re-open previously closed channels.
-        (intern-receiver target frame :channel target))))
+        (server-receiver frame (irc:connection message)) ; don't re-open previously closed channels.
+        (intern-receiver target (irc:connection message) frame :channel target))))
 (defmethod receiver-for-message ((message irc:irc-mode-message) frame)
   (case (length (irc:arguments message))
-    (1 (server-receiver frame))
+    (1 (server-receiver frame (irc:connection message)))
     (t (destructuring-bind (channel modes &rest args) (irc:arguments message)
          (declare (ignore modes args))
-         (intern-receiver channel frame :channel channel)))))
+         (intern-receiver channel (irc:connection message) frame :channel channel)))))
 (macrolet ((define-current-receiver-message-types (&rest mtypes)
@@ -226,7 +228,7 @@
 (defmethod receiver-for-message ((message irc:irc-message) frame)
   #+or                    ; comment out to debug on uncaught messages.
-  (server-receiver frame))
+  (server-receiver frame (irc:connection message)))
 ;; TODO: more receiver-for-message methods.

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