[beirc-cvs] CVS beirc

afuchs afuchs at common-lisp.net
Wed Apr 12 18:27:16 UTC 2006

Update of /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv25758

Modified Files:
	application.lisp message-display.lisp message-processing.lisp 
Log Message:
Add "reconnect" support.

 * notices when connections are dropped
 * offers to reconnect when the connection is dropped.
 * connection setup now believes in reconnecting.

--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/application.lisp	2006/04/07 01:42:56	1.75
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/application.lisp	2006/04/12 18:27:16	1.76
@@ -374,9 +374,8 @@
                                          (make-instance 'bar-event :sheet frame))
     (sleep 1)))
-(defun join-missing-channels (frame)
-  (let* ((connection (current-connection frame))
-         (server (when connection (irc:server-name connection))))
+(defun join-missing-channels (frame &optional (connection (current-connection frame)))
+  (let* ((server (when connection (irc:server-name connection))))
     (when server
       (loop for join-channel in (cdr (assoc server *auto-join-alist* :test #'equal))
          do (unless (gethash join-channel (receivers frame))
@@ -890,15 +889,20 @@
      (nick 'string :prompt "Nick name" :default *default-nick*)
      (pass 'string :prompt "Password" :default nil)
      (port 'number :prompt "Port" :default irc::*default-irc-server-port*))
-  (let ((success nil))
-    (or (server-receiver-from-args *application-frame* server port nick)
+  (let ((success nil)
+        (maybe-server-receiver (server-receiver-from-args *application-frame* server port nick)))
+    (or (and maybe-server-receiver (connection-open-p maybe-server-receiver))
         (let* ((frame *application-frame*)
                (connection (apply #'irc:connect
                                   :nickname nick :server server :connection-type 'beirc-connection :port port
                                   (if (null pass)
                                       `(:password ,pass))))
-               (server-receiver (intern-receiver (format nil "~A on ~A:~A" nick server port) connection frame)))
+               (server-receiver (if maybe-server-receiver
+                                    (prog1 maybe-server-receiver
+                                           (reinit-receiver-for-new-connection maybe-server-receiver
+                                                                               connection))
+                                    (intern-receiver (format nil "~A on ~A:~A" nick server port) connection frame))))
                 (setf (irc:client-stream connection) (make-broadcast-stream))
@@ -1030,13 +1034,17 @@
            (save-input-line stream frame)
-    (window-clear stream)))
+    (window-clear stream))) 
 (defun irc-event-loop (frame connection)
-  (unwind-protect
-       (let ((*application-frame* frame))
-         (irc:read-message-loop connection))
-    (irc:remove-all-hooks connection)))
+  (let ((*application-frame* frame))
+    (unwind-protect (irc:read-message-loop connection)
+      (setf (connection-open-p (server-receiver frame connection)) nil)
+      (irc:remove-all-hooks connection)      
+      (irc:irc-message-event connection
+                             (make-fake-irc-message 'irc-connection-closed-message
+                                                    :command "Connnection closed"
+                                                    :source (irc:server-name connection))))))
 ;;; Hack:
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-display.lisp	2006/04/02 20:51:54	1.45
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-display.lisp	2006/04/12 18:27:16	1.46
@@ -494,6 +494,14 @@
     (with-drawing-options (*standard-output* :ink +grey12+ :text-size :small)
       (format-message* "Click here to close this tab."))))
+(defun offer-reconnect (receiver)
+  (let* ((conn (connection receiver))
+         (server (irc:server-name conn))
+         (nickname (irc:nickname (irc:user conn))))
+    (with-output-as-presentation (t `(com-connect ,server :nick ,nickname) 'command)
+      (with-drawing-options (*standard-output* :ink +grey12+ :text-size :small)
+        (format-message* (format nil "Click here to reconnect to ~A as ~A" server nickname))))))
 (defmethod print-message ((message irc:irc-err_nosuchnick-message) receiver)
   (formatting-message (t message receiver)
     ((format t "    "))
@@ -672,6 +680,13 @@
       (irc:irc-rpl_invitelist-message "INVITED: ")
       (irc:irc-rpl_exceptlist-message "UNBANNED: ")))
+(defmethod print-message ((message irc-connection-closed-message) receiver)
+  (formatting-message (t message receiver)
+    ((format t "    "))
+    ((with-drawing-options (*standard-output* :ink +red3+)
+       (format-message* "Connection to server closed.")
+       (offer-reconnect receiver)))))
 ;;; the display function (& utilities)
 (defgeneric preamble-length (message)
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-processing.lisp	2006/04/04 18:37:28	1.7
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-processing.lisp	2006/04/12 18:27:16	1.8
@@ -71,5 +71,4 @@
 (define-beirc-hook autojoin-hoook ((message cl-irc:irc-rpl_welcome-message))
   "When a connection is established, check the list of channels for autojoin
 and set them up accordingly."
-  (declare (ignore message))
-  (join-missing-channels *application-frame*))
+  (join-missing-channels *application-frame* (irc:connection message)))
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/receivers.lisp	2006/04/11 22:28:58	1.26
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/receivers.lisp	2006/04/12 18:27:16	1.27
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
       (messages-directed-to-me :accessor messages-directed-to-me :initform 0)
       (channel :reader channel :initform nil :initarg :channel)
       (connection :accessor connection :initarg :connection)
-      (query :reader query :initform nil :initarg :query) ;; <- XXX: remove this.
+      (connection-open-p :accessor connection-open-p :initform t) ; used only on server receivers.
+      (query :reader query :initform nil :initarg :query)
       (focused-nicks :accessor focused-nicks :initform nil)
       (title :reader title :initarg :title)
       (last-visited :accessor last-visited :initform 0)
@@ -18,6 +19,8 @@
       (pane :reader pane)
       (tab-pane :accessor tab-pane)))
+(defclass irc-connection-closed-message (irc:irc-message) ())
 (defun slot-value-or-something (object &key (slot 'name) (something "without name"))
   (if (slot-boundp object slot)
       (slot-value object slot)
@@ -107,6 +110,23 @@
           (setf (gethash (list connection normalized-name) (receivers frame)) receiver)
+(defun reinit-receiver-for-new-connection (server-receiver connection &optional (frame *application-frame*))
+  (let ((old-connection (connection server-receiver)))
+    (maphash (lambda (key receiver)
+               (destructuring-bind (rec-connection name) key
+                 (when (eql old-connection rec-connection)
+                   (remhash key (receivers frame))
+                   (setf (gethash (list connection name) (receivers frame)) receiver)
+                   (setf (connection receiver) connection)
+                   (dolist (message (messages receiver))
+                     ;; KLUDGE: reset the connection of messages so
+                     ;; that channel/user finding queries don't fail
+                     ;; horribly
+                     (setf (irc:connection message) connection)))
+                 (write-char #\Newline *debug-io*)))
+             (receivers frame))))
 (defun remove-receiver (receiver frame)
   (tab-layout:remove-pane (tab-pane receiver)
                           (find-pane-named frame 'query))
@@ -256,7 +276,6 @@
 ;;; default receiver.
 (defmethod receiver-for-message ((message irc:irc-message) frame)
   #+or                    ; comment out to debug on uncaught messages.

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