[beirc-cvs] CVS update: beirc/beirc.lisp

Andreas Fuchs afuchs at common-lisp.net
Tue Sep 13 20:48:12 UTC 2005

Update of /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12696

Modified Files:
Log Message:
The multi-channel ("receiver") hack.

This patch comes with a lot of problems. But it's just way too cool to
just leave it out. (-:


 * on join (you or anybody else), you are thrown into the debugger,
   with a message about a bounding-rectangle method that's not
   applicable to (NIL). Not investigated yet.

 * every time anybody (including you) sends a PRIVMSG, the interactor
   pane is wiped. This is related to the frame-redisplay-panes call in
   the (handle-event frame foo-event) method.

 * Every IRC message that isn't a JOIN, QUIT or PRIVMSG will land you
   in the terminal debugger. feel free to implement more
   receiver-for-message methods.

Date: Tue Sep 13 22:48:12 2005
Author: afuchs

Index: beirc/beirc.lisp
diff -u beirc/beirc.lisp: beirc/beirc.lisp:1.2
--- beirc/beirc.lisp:	Mon Sep 12 20:13:09 2005
+++ beirc/beirc.lisp	Tue Sep 13 22:48:11 2005
@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
+(cl:eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (cl:require :split-sequence)
+  (cl:require :cl-irc)
+  (cl:require :mcclim))
 (defpackage :beirc
     (:use :clim :clim-lisp :clim-sys)
     (:export #:beirc))
@@ -60,21 +65,130 @@
 ;; <mumble> is just the rest of the input line.
 ;; <nickname> is a nickname of someone, with completion
+(defclass receiver ()
+     ((name :reader receiver-name :initarg :name)
+      (messages :accessor messages :initform nil)
+      (channel :reader channel :initform nil :initarg :channel)
+      (query :reader query :initform nil :initarg :query) ;; <- XXX: remove this.
+      (pane :reader pane :initform nil)
+      (focused-nicks :accessor focused-nicks :initform nil)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object receiver) &rest initargs)
+  (declare (ignore initargs))
+  (setf (slot-value object 'pane)
+        (with-look-and-feel-realization
+            ((frame-manager *application-frame*) *application-frame*)
+          (print (make-clim-application-pane
+                  :display-function
+                  (lambda (frame pane)
+                    (beirc-app-display frame pane object))
+                  :display-time :command-loop
+                  :width 400 :height 600
+                  :incremental-redisplay t) *debug-io*))))
+(defun make-receiver (name &rest initargs)
+  (let ((receiver (apply 'make-instance 'receiver :name name initargs)))
+    (setf (gethash name (receivers *application-frame*))
+          receiver)
+    (setf (gethash (pane receiver) (receiver-panes *application-frame*))
+          receiver)
+    receiver))
+(defun intern-receiver (name frame &rest initargs)
+  (let ((rec (gethash name (receivers frame))))
+    (if rec
+        rec
+        (let ((*application-frame* frame))
+          (apply 'make-receiver name initargs)))))
+(defun receiver-for-pane (pane &optional (frame *application-frame*))
+  (gethash pane (receiver-panes frame)))
+(defmethod receiver-for-message ((message irc:irc-privmsg-message) frame)
+  ;; XXX: handle target=ournick
+  (let ((target (first (irc:arguments message))))
+    (intern-receiver target frame :channel target)))
+(defmethod receiver-for-message ((message irc:irc-join-message) frame)
+  (let ((target (first (irc:arguments message))))
+    (intern-receiver target frame :channel target)))
+(defmethod receiver-for-message ((message irc:irc-quit-message) frame)
+  (current-receiver frame) ; FIXME: quit messages should go to all channels/queries the user was on.
+  )
+;; TODO: more receiver-for-message methods.
+(macrolet ((define-delegate (function-name accessor &optional define-setter-p)
+               `(progn
+                  ,(when define-setter-p
+                     `(defun (setf ,function-name) (new-value &optional (frame *application-frame*))
+                        (when (current-receiver frame)
+                          (setf (,accessor (current-receiver frame)) new-value))))
+                  (defun ,function-name (&optional (frame *application-frame*))
+                    (when (current-receiver frame)
+                      (,accessor (current-receiver frame)))))))
+  (define-delegate current-channel channel)
+  (define-delegate current-query query)
+  (define-delegate current-pane pane)
+  (define-delegate current-messages messages t)
+  (define-delegate current-focused-nicks focused-nicks t))
+(defclass stack-layout-pane (clim:sheet-multiple-child-mixin
+                             clim:basic-pane)
+  ())
+(defmethod compose-space ((pane stack-layout-pane) &key width height)
+  (declare (ignore width height))
+  (reduce (lambda (x y)
+            (space-requirement-combine #'max x y))
+          (mapcar #'compose-space (sheet-children pane))
+          :initial-value
+          (make-space-requirement :width 0 :min-width 0 :max-width 0
+                                  :height 0 :min-height 0 :max-height 0)))
+(defmethod allocate-space ((pane stack-layout-pane) width height)
+  (dolist (child (sheet-children pane))
+    (move-and-resize-sheet child 0 0 width height)
+    (allocate-space child width height)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((pane stack-layout-pane)
+				       &rest args
+				       &key initial-contents
+				       &allow-other-keys)
+  (declare (ignore args))
+  (dolist (k initial-contents)
+    (sheet-adopt-child pane k)))
+(defun raise-receiver (receiver &optional (frame *application-frame*))
+  (setf (current-receiver frame) receiver)
+  (mapcar (lambda (pane)
+            (let ((pane-receiver (receiver-for-pane pane frame)))
+              (setf (sheet-enabled-p pane)
+                    (eql receiver pane-receiver))))
+          (sheet-children (find-pane-named frame 'query))))
 (define-application-frame beirc ()
-    ((connection :initform nil)
-     (messages :initform nil)
-     (query :initform nil)
+    ((current-receiver :initform nil :accessor current-receiver)
+     (connection :initform nil)
      (nick :initform nil)
-     (channel :initform nil)
-     (focused-nicks :initform nil)
-     (ignored-nicks :initform nil))
+     (ignored-nicks :initform nil)
+     (receivers :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :reader receivers)
+     (receiver-panes :initform (make-hash-table :test 'eql) :reader receiver-panes))
-   (app :application
-    :display-function 'beirc-app-display
-    :display-time :command-loop
-    :incremental-redisplay t)
+   (query (make-pane 'stack-layout-pane))
+   (receiver-bar
+    :application
+    :display-function 'beirc-receivers-display
+    :display-time :command-loop
+    :incremental-redisplay t
+    :height 20
+    :scroll-bars nil)
     :display-function 'beirc-status-display
@@ -90,8 +204,10 @@
        (vertically ()
-         app
+         query
          (60 io)
+         (20
+          receiver-bar)
          (20                            ;<-- Sigh! Bitrot!
           status-bar )))))
@@ -99,6 +215,14 @@
 (defvar *beirc-frame*)
+(defun beirc-receivers-display (*application-frame* *standard-output*)
+  (with-text-family (t :sans-serif)
+    (maphash (lambda (key value)
+               (declare (ignore key))
+               (present value 'receiver :stream *standard-output*)
+               (format t " "))
+             (receivers *application-frame*))))
 (defun beirc-status-display (*application-frame* *standard-output*)
   (with-text-family (t :sans-serif)
     (multiple-value-bind (seconds minutes hours) (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))
@@ -106,14 +230,14 @@
       (format t "~2,'0D:~2,'0D    ~A on ~A~@[ speaking to ~A~]~100T~D messages"
               hours minutes
               (slot-value *application-frame* 'nick)
-              (slot-value *application-frame* 'channel)
-              (slot-value *application-frame* 'query)
-              (length (slot-value *application-frame* 'messages))))))
+              (current-channel)
+              (current-query) 
+              (length (current-messages))))))
 (defun beirc-prompt (*standard-output* *application-frame*)
   (format *standard-output* "Beirc ~A => "
-          (or (slot-value *application-frame* 'query)
-              (slot-value *application-frame* 'channel))))
+          (or (current-query)
+              (current-channel))))
 ;; (defun format-message (prefix mumble)
 ;;   (write-line
@@ -131,14 +255,14 @@
     (cond (start
 	   (write-string (subseq url 0 start))
 	   (present (concatenate 'string
-				 "file://localhost/path/to/your/HyperSpec/"
+				 "file://localhost/Users/dmurray/lisp/HyperSpec/"
 				 (subseq url (+ 45 start)))
 	  (t (present url 'url)))))
 (defun format-message* (preamble mumble
 			&key (prefix "        ")
-			     (limit 105))
+			     (limit 100))
   (loop for word in (split-sequence:split-sequence #\Space mumble)
 	with line-prefix = prefix
 	with column = (+ (length line-prefix) (length preamble))
@@ -161,7 +285,7 @@
 (define-presentation-type url ()
   :inherit-from 'string)
-(defmethod print-message ((message irc:IRC-PRIVMSG-MESSAGE))
+(defmethod print-message ((message irc:IRC-PRIVMSG-MESSAGE) receiver)
        :ink (if (string-equal "localhost" (irc:host message))
@@ -171,7 +295,7 @@
 		    :test #'string=)
-	   (if (member (irc:source message) (slot-value *application-frame* 'focused-nicks)
+	   (if (member (irc:source message) (current-focused-nicks)
 		       :test #'string=)
@@ -189,7 +313,7 @@
 			   (format nil "*~A*" (irc:source message)))))))
 	  (format-message* preamble (irc:trailing-argument message)))))))
-(defmethod print-message ((message irc:ctcp-action-message))
+(defmethod print-message ((message irc:ctcp-action-message) receiver)
   (let ((source (cl-irc:source message))
         (matter (trailing-argument* message))
         (dest (car (cl-irc:arguments message))))
@@ -198,19 +322,18 @@
-(defmethod print-message ((message irc:irc-quit-message))
+(defmethod print-message ((message irc:irc-quit-message) receiver)
   (with-drawing-options (*standard-output* :ink +gray33+ :text-size :small)
     (format-message* (format nil "~10T Quit: ~A;"
                             (irc:source message))
                     (irc:trailing-argument message))))
-(defmethod print-message ((message irc:irc-join-message))
+(defmethod print-message ((message irc:irc-join-message) receiver)
   (with-drawing-options (*standard-output* :ink +gray33+ :text-size :small)
     (format *standard-output* "~10T Join: ~A (~A@~A)"
             (irc:source message)
             (irc:user message)
-            (irc:host message)
-            (irc:trailing-argument message))
+            (irc:host message))
     (terpri) ))
 ;;; Here comes the trick:
@@ -222,7 +345,8 @@
 ;;; we send it to the frame.
 (defclass foo-event (clim:window-manager-event)
-  ((sheet :initarg :sheet :reader event-sheet)))
+  ((sheet :initarg :sheet :reader event-sheet)
+   (receiver :initarg :receiver :reader receiver)))
 ;;for updating the time display, triggered from TICKER
 (defclass bar-event (clim:window-manager-event)
@@ -244,11 +368,14 @@
 (defmethod handle-event ((frame beirc) (event foo-event))
   ;; Hack:
   ;; Figure out if we are scrolled to the bottom.
-  (let ((pane (get-frame-pane frame 'app)))
+  (let* ((receiver (receiver event))
+         (pane (pane receiver)))    ; FIXME: pane isn't a stream pane, but a VRACK-PANE. gack.
     (let ((btmp (pane-scrolled-to-bottom-p pane)))
-      (time (redisplay-frame-pane frame pane))
-      (when btmp
-        (scroll-pane-to-bottom pane)))
+      (setf (pane-needs-redisplay pane) t)
+      (time (redisplay-frame-panes frame :force-p t))
+;;       (when btmp                       
+;;         (scroll-pane-to-bottom pane))
+      )
     (medium-force-output (sheet-medium pane)) ;###
@@ -273,12 +400,13 @@
                  (run-frame-top-level frame))))))))
 (defun post-message (frame message)
-  (setf (slot-value frame 'messages)
-        (append (slot-value frame 'messages) (list message)))
-  (clim-internals::event-queue-prepend
-   (climi::frame-event-queue frame)
-   (make-instance 'foo-event :sheet frame))
-  nil)
+  (let ((receiver (receiver-for-message message frame)))
+    (setf (messages receiver)
+          (append (messages receiver) (list message)))
+    (clim-internals::event-queue-prepend
+     (climi::frame-event-queue frame)
+     (make-instance 'foo-event :sheet frame :receiver receiver))
+    nil))
 (defun ticker (frame)
@@ -293,13 +421,30 @@
 (define-presentation-method accept ((type nickname) *standard-input* (view textual-view) &key)
-  (with-slots (connection nick channel) *application-frame*
-    (let ((users (mapcar #'car (hash-alist (irc:users (irc:find-channel connection channel))))))
+  (with-slots (connection nick) *application-frame*
+    (let ((users (mapcar #'car (hash-alist (irc:users (irc:find-channel connection (current-channel)))))))
       (accept `(member , at users)
               :prompt nil))))
+(define-presentation-method accept ((type receiver) *standard-input* (view textual-view) &key)
+  (completing-from-suggestions (*standard-input* :partial-completers '(#\Space))
+    (maphash #'suggest (receivers *application-frame*))))
+(define-presentation-method present (o (type receiver) *standard-output* (view textual-view) &key)
+  (format t "~A" (receiver-name o)))
+(define-presentation-to-command-translator raise-this-receiver
+    (receiver com-raise-receiver beirc
+              :gesture :select
+              :documentation "Raise this receiver")
+    (presentation)
+  (list (presentation-object presentation)))
+(define-beirc-command (com-raise-receiver :name t) ((receiver 'receiver :prompt "Receiver"))
+  (raise-receiver receiver))
 (define-beirc-command (com-focus :name t) ((who 'nickname :prompt "who"))
-  (pushnew who (slot-value *application-frame* 'focused-nicks) :test #'string=))
+  (pushnew who (current-focused-nicks) :test #'string=))
 (define-beirc-command (com-ignore :name t) ((who 'nickname :prompt "who"))
   (pushnew who (slot-value *application-frame* 'ignored-nicks) :test #'string=))
@@ -309,12 +454,12 @@
         (remove who (slot-value *application-frame* 'ignored-nicks)  :test #'string=)))
 (define-beirc-command (com-unfocus :name t) ((who 'nickname :prompt "who"))
-  (setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'focused-nicks)
-        (remove who (slot-value *application-frame* 'focused-nicks)  :test #'string=)))
+  (setf (current-focused-nicks)
+        (remove who (current-focused-nicks) :test #'string=)))
 (defun target (&optional (*application-frame* *application-frame*))
-  (or (slot-value *application-frame* 'query)
-      (slot-value *application-frame* 'channel)))
+  (or (current-query)
+      (current-channel)))
 (define-beirc-command (com-say :name t) ((what 'mumble))
   ;; make a fake IRC-PRIV-MESSAGE object
@@ -347,11 +492,11 @@
   (list (presentation-object presentation)))
 (define-beirc-command (com-join :name t) ((channel 'string :prompt "channel"))
-  (when (slot-value *application-frame* 'channel)
-    (irc:part
-     (slot-value *application-frame* 'connection)
-     (slot-value *application-frame* 'channel)))
-  (setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'channel) channel)
+  (setf (current-receiver *application-frame*)
+        (intern-receiver channel *application-frame* :channel channel))
+  (sheet-adopt-child (find-pane-named *application-frame* 'query)
+                     (pane (current-receiver *application-frame*)))
+  (raise-receiver (current-receiver *application-frame*))
   (irc:join (slot-value *application-frame* 'connection) channel))
 (define-beirc-command (com-connect :name t)
@@ -381,12 +526,12 @@
     (window-clear stream)))
 (defun restart-beirc ()
-  (let ((m (slot-value *beirc-frame* 'messages)))
+  (let ((m (current-messages)))
     (clim-sys:destroy-process *gui-process*)
     (setf *beirc-frame* nil)
     (clim-sys:process-wait "waiting for beirc" (lambda () *beirc-frame*))
-    (setf (slot-value *beirc-frame* 'messages) m)))
+    (setf (current-messages) m)))
@@ -436,36 +581,37 @@
          (irc:read-message-loop connection) )
     (irc:remove-all-hooks connection)))
-(defun beirc-app-display (*application-frame* *standard-output*)
+(defun beirc-app-display (*application-frame* *standard-output* receiver)
   ;; Fix me: This usage of UPDATING-OUTPUT is sub-optimal and ugly!
+  ;; Fix me: as is all that *standard-output* stuff
+  (print *standard-output* *debug-io*)
+  (print (pane receiver) *debug-io*)
   (let ((w (- (floor (bounding-rectangle-width (sheet-parent *standard-output*))
                      (clim:stream-string-width *standard-output* "X"))
-              2)))
-    (with-slots (messages) *application-frame*
-      (let ((k 100)
-            (n (length messages)))
-        (loop for i below (* k (ceiling n k)) by k do
+              2)) 
+        (messages (and receiver (messages receiver))))
+    (let ((k 100)
+          (n (length messages)))
+      (loop for i below (* k (ceiling n k)) by k do
+        (updating-output (*standard-output*
+                          :unique-id i
+                          :cache-value
+                          (list (min n (+ i k))
+                                (focused-nicks receiver)
+                                (slot-value *application-frame* 'ignored-nicks)
+                                w)
+                          :cache-test #'equal)
+          (loop for j from i below (min n (+ i k)) do
+            (let ((m (elt messages j)))
               (updating-output (*standard-output*
-                                :unique-id i
+                                :unique-id j
-				(list (min n (+ i k))
-				      (slot-value *application-frame* 'focused-nicks)
-				      (slot-value *application-frame* 'ignored-nicks)
-				      w)
-                                :cache-test #'equal
-                                )
-                (loop for j from i below (min n (+ i k)) do
-                      (let ((m (elt messages j)))
-                        (updating-output (*standard-output*
-                                          :unique-id j
-                                          :cache-value
-					  (list m
-						(slot-value *application-frame* 'focused-nicks)
-						(slot-value *application-frame* 'ignored-nicks)
-						w)
-                                          :cache-test #'equal
-                                          )
-                          (print-message m))))))))))
+                                (list m
+                                      (focused-nicks receiver)
+                                      (slot-value *application-frame* 'ignored-nicks)
+                                      w)
+                                :cache-test #'equal)
+                (print-message m receiver)))))))))
 ;;; Hack:
 (defmethod allocate-space :after ((pane climi::viewport-pane) w h)

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