Forgive me, as I'm new to both the list and to Lisp.<br>I've been using sbcl, openmcl and now purchased LispWorks 5.0 on the Mac.<br><br>The most recent asdf-install seems to work with openmcl, but LispWorks gives an error about ' "/usr/bin", top-level directory cannot contain "/"' from the call to make-pathname in tar-command. I messed about and came up with the following patches that seem to work in both LispWorks and openmcl. The first gets the pathname-directory if not nil and the second simply builds an absolute directory from "usr" and "bin" in a gratuitous *bin-path* variable.
<br><br>Please let me know if I'm off the track here.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Chris<br><br>--- ./installer.lisp 2006-11-04 17:39:51.000000000 -0700<br>+++ /Users/cbrown/.asdf-install-dir/site/asdf-install/installer.lisp 2006-11-06 14:52:
31.000000000 -0700<br>@@ -285,11 +285,11 @@<br> (flet ((find-bin (directory)<br> (let ((bin (make-pathname :name tar-command<br> :type nil<br>- :directory directory)))
<br>+ :directory (and directory (pathname-directory (parse-namestring directory))))))<br> (when (probe-file bin)<br> (namestring bin)))))<br> (or (find-bin nil)
<br>- (find-bin "/usr/bin/"))))<br>+ (find-bin *bin-path*))))<br> #+(or :win32 :mswindows)<br> *cygwin-bash-program*)<br><br>--- ./variables.lisp 2006-11-04 17:39:51.000000000 -0700<br>+++ /Users/cbrown/.asdf-install-dir/site/asdf-install/variables.lisp 2006-11-06 14:47:
49.000000000 -0700<br>@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@<br> #+digitool ,*home-volume-name*<br> "usr" "local" "asdf-install")))))<br> <br>
+(defvar *bin-path*<br>+ (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "usr" "bin")))<br>+<br> (defvar *private-asdf-install-dirs*<br> #+:sbcl<br> (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative ".sbcl"))