[asdf-install-devel] ASDF-Install: Error: component “zip” not found

Pascal J. Bourguignon pjb at informatimago.com
Tue Nov 16 05:41:23 UTC 2010

Andrew Pennebaker <andrew.pennebaker at gmail.com> writes:

> I'm trying to install the zip library. The weird thing is that ASDF
> doesn't appear to search online for zip. It just gives up.

Perhaps now would be a good time to switch to quicklisp?

Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.6-RC1-r14432M  (LinuxX8664)!
? (ql:quickload :zip)
To load "zip":
  Install 4 Quicklisp releases:
    flexi-streams salza2 trivial-gray-streams zip
; Fetching #<URL "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/salza2/2010-10-06/salza2-2.0.7.tgz">
; 14.84KB
15,197 bytes in 0.02 seconds (615.37KB/sec)
; Fetching #<URL "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/trivial-gray-streams/2010-10-06/trivial-gray-streams-20101006-cvs.tgz">
; 3.41KB
3,489 bytes in 0.00 seconds (11472.14KB/sec)
; Fetching #<URL "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/flexi-streams/2010-10-06/flexi-streams-1.0.7.tgz">
; 130.29KB
133,413 bytes in 0.18 seconds (730.86KB/sec)
; Fetching #<URL "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/zip/2010-11-07/zip-20101107-cvs.tgz">
; 16.16KB
16,547 bytes in 0.03 seconds (601.65KB/sec)
; Loading "zip"
[package trivial-gray-streams]....................
[package flexi-streams]...........................
[package salza2]..................................
[package zip].....

__Pascal Bourguignon__                     http://www.informatimago.com/
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.

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