[asdf-install-devel] asdf-install on clisp and :win32

Angel Popov angelpopov at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 20 14:03:32 UTC 2009

I have installed native clisp. Following the tutorial get to (asdf-install:install there was a problem. After consultation with c.l.l http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.lisp/browse_thread/thread/fb03db7f0b58ba38/2dde6c5236497d4c?lnk=gst&q=asdf-installing#2dde6c5236497d4c

It looks, there is a typo in port.lisp - 
Here is the original code: 

#+(and :clisp :win32) 
(defun return-output-from-program (program args) 
  (with-output-to-string (out-stream) 
    (let ((stream 
            (format nil "~A~{ ~A~}" program args 
                    :output :stream 
                    :wait nil)))) 
      (loop for line = (ignore-errors (read-line stream nil)) 
            while line 
            do (write-line line out-stream))))) 

There is misplaced bracket. If I move the bracket, 
asdf-install works fine.

Regards, AngelP


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