[asdf-install-devel] Re: [cclan-list] ASDF-Install patch to allow installation of unsigned packages

Tim Daly, Jr. tim at tenkan.org
Thu May 24 18:17:02 UTC 2007

Hi Gary,

I'd just like to add my small voice to the chorus:

On May 24, 2007, at 10:40 AM, Gary King wrote:
> I see your point regarding requiring a license file but I'm not sure
> that I agree because ASDF-Install already has several "loopholes":
> * you can set *verify-gpg-signatures* to nil or to a list of trusted
> locations
> * you can choose a restart around an invalid or untrusted signature

It seems to me that these are choices made by the person installing a  
package, whereas making a package without a signature is a choice  
made by the person providing the package.  I'm okay with opting out  
of the signature verification on my end if it's expedient, but I'm  
not really down with a potential proliferation of unsigned packages.   
In my world, an unsigned package should not be called ASDF-INSTALLable.


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