[asdf-install-devel] A series of small patches, incl. docs.

Dan Muller 367znud02 at sneakemail.com
Sun Dec 23 17:47:08 UTC 2007

Gary King wrote:
> This is great; I will pull these later today. I get your others
> patches yesterday but ended up having to apply them by hand because
> darcs said:
>> > darcs pull http://danm.homelinux.org/asdf-install/submitted
>> darcs failed:  Not a repository:
>> http://danm.homelinux.org/asdf-install/submitted  (user error
>> (Failed to download URL
>> http://danm.homelinux.org/asdf-install/submitted/_darcs/inventory
>> libcurl: HTTP error (404?)))
>> [misterx:~/darcs/asdf-install-unstable] gwking%
> I'm probably doing something silly wrong; can you please let me know
> what it is?

No, this is probably something wrong at my end. I'm no Apache guru,
and I'm sure I've messed up something with the confiuration. I'll look
into it right now and post another message when I think I have it
straightened out.

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