[asdf-install-devel] [PATCH] extracting tarballs

Sean Ross sean at guruhut.com
Wed Jul 12 12:13:53 UTC 2006


I've got a patch for asdf-install which modifies the way that asdf-install
attempts to extract tarballs. It exports the variable *tar-extractors* which
is a list of functions which take a target directory and a pathname
identifying the path to the tarball. Functions on this list can either
extract the tarball or return nil to try the next function.

This is mainly to enable a foreign package to push a CL version of
'tar xzf' (which should be released soon) onto this list allowing
windows users to asdf-install packages sans Cygwin.

I'm pretty new to darcs so please let me know if there is a problem
with the patch.


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