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<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">Good morning from Greg
Bennett who is running sbcl 2.0.10 under linux mint 19.2 64-bit<br>
and using asdf 3.3.6 with mcclim from mcclim-20201016-git via
I am working on a large project and wish to capture the results of
a trial compile in a file<br>
so that I can check notes, warnings, errors, etc.. Such a compile
essentially loops over<br>
a set of asdf load-systems. <br>
Not unnaturally for me, I make mistakes, and sometimes I get
blocked by an unexpected error<br>
which I believe I have managed to isolate.<br>
I am quite unsure about the locus of the unexpected error .. asdf
? sbcl ? mcclim ? their interaction ?<br>
so I am starting with asdf-devel.<br>
I am uncertain how much to include by way of source files, so i
have opted to summarise things here first.<br>
New sbcl 2.0.10 in emacs listener<br>
Load a set-up-file to ensure I am using asdf 3.3.6 [I gather this
is significant for sbcl]. And some of<br>
my own logging tools. Two files attached.<br>
Load mcclim<br>
Running (in-package :cl-user)<br>
(a-l "mcclim" "doit" (doit) "Z" :base-name
which has the effect of writing the results to a file, in this
The process exits with:<br>
; wrote
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.051<br>
; No value<br>
Now suppose I do something which contains an error, such as<br>
CL-USER> (asdf-version)<br>
Since (asdf-version) is not in the cl-user package, this is an
error. What I get back is a different error message:<br>
#<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file
{1008BEC8A3}> is closed<br>
[Condition of type SB-INT:CLOSED-STREAM-ERROR]<br>
Which is my unexpected error. Sometimes after ABORT (twice), this
error can block me from defining any new function or loading a new<br>
function .. all I receive is a repeat of this message.<br>
Thank you for your patience<br>
Greg Bennett<br>