CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY=/boot/home/ecl/asdf/:/boot/home/ecl/asdf/uiop/:/boot/home/ecl/asdf/ext// PWD=/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test ASDF_TEST_LISPS=ecl OLDPWD=/boot/home/ecl/asdf ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "(or\`,#.(load(string\`|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::compile-asdf-script))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Warning: Can you please fix ASDF to not emit style-warnings? Got a C::COMPILER-STYLE-WARNING: Style warning: in file asdf.lisp, position 226311 at (WITH-UPGRADABILITY NIL ...) ! The variable S is not used. ;;; Warning: Can you please fix ASDF to not emit style-warnings? Got a C::COMPILER-STYLE-WARNING: Style warning: in file asdf.lisp, position 226311 at (WITH-UPGRADABILITY NIL ...) ! The variable TOKEN is not used. ;;; Warning: Can you please fix ASDF to not emit style-warnings? Got a C::COMPILER-STYLE-WARNING: Style warning: in file asdf.lisp, position 240212 at (WITH-UPGRADABILITY NIL ...) ! The variable DIR-ARG is not used. ;;; Warning: Can you please fix ASDF to not emit style-warnings? Got a C::COMPILER-STYLE-WARNING: Style warning: in file asdf.lisp, position 240212 at (WITH-UPGRADABILITY NIL ...) ! The variable REDIRECTIONS is not used. ;;; Warning: Can you please fix ASDF to not emit style-warnings? Got a C::COMPILER-STYLE-WARNING: Style warning: in file asdf.lisp, position 240212 at (WITH-UPGRADABILITY NIL ...) ! The variable NORMALIZED is not used. ;;; Warning: Can you please fix ASDF to not emit style-warnings? Got a C::COMPILER-STYLE-WARNING: Style warning: in file asdf.lisp, position 240212 at (WITH-UPGRADABILITY NIL ...) ! The variable CHDIR is not used. ASDF compiled with style-warnings, ignored for your implementation Compiled OK Testing: asdf-pathname-test.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|asdf-pathname-test.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running asdf-pathname-test.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 source registry: (("serve-event" . #P"SYS:SERVE-EVENT.ASD.NEWEST") ("sockets" . #P"SYS:SOCKETS.ASD.NEWEST") ("defsystem" . #P"SYS:DEFSYSTEM.ASD.NEWEST") ("ql-minitar" . #P"SYS:QL-MINITAR.ASD.NEWEST") ("cmp" . #P"SYS:CMP.ASD.NEWEST") ("ecl-help" . #P"SYS:ECL-HELP.ASD.NEWEST") ("ecl-cdb" . #P"SYS:ECL-CDB.ASD.NEWEST") ("ecl-curl" . #P"SYS:ECL-CURL.ASD.NEWEST") ("rt" . #P"SYS:RT.ASD.NEWEST") ("ecl-quicklisp" . #P"SYS:ECL-QUICKLISP.ASD.NEWEST") ("deflate" . #P"SYS:DEFLATE.ASD.NEWEST") ("sb-bsd-sockets" . #P"SYS:SB-BSD-SOCKETS.ASD.NEWEST") ("profile" . #P"SYS:PROFILE.ASD.NEWEST")) output translations: ((#P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/**/*.*" T) (#P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/**/*.*" T) (#P"/boot/home/config/cache/common-lisp/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/**/*.*" T) (#P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/**/*.*" #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/**/*.*") (#P"SYS:**;*.*.*" T) (T #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/**/*.*") (T #P"/boot/home/config/cache/common-lisp/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/**/*.*")) (RESOLVE-LOCATION '(:HOME)) and (TRUENAME (USER-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/" ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (RESOLVE-LOCATION '("/foo" "bar" "baz")) yields this: #P"/foo/bar/baz" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "foo" "bar") :NAME "baz" :TYPE NIL :VERSION NIL) the other expression #P"/foo/bar/baz" yields that: #P"/foo/bar/baz" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "foo" "bar") :NAME "baz" :TYPE NIL :VERSION :NEWEST) (RESOLVE-LOCATION '("/foo" "bar" "baz") :ENSURE-DIRECTORY T) and #P"/foo/bar/baz/" both evaluate to same path: #P"/foo/bar/baz/" (RESOLVE-LOCATION '("/foo" "bar" "baz") :ENSURE-DIRECTORY T :WILDEN T) and (WILDEN #P"/foo/bar/baz/") both evaluate to same path: #P"/foo/bar/baz/**/*.*" (RESOLVE-LOCATION '("/foo" "bar" "baz") :ENSURE-DIRECTORY NIL :WILDEN T) and (WILDEN #P"/foo/bar/") both evaluate to same path: #P"/foo/bar/**/*.*" (RESOLVE-LOCATION '("/foo" "bar" :**/ "baz" :*.*.*) :ENSURE-DIRECTORY NIL :WILDEN T) and (MERGE-PATHNAMES* *WILD-FILE* #P"/foo/bar/**/baz/") both evaluate to same path: #P"/foo/bar/**/baz/*.*" ; Loading system definition for test-asdf from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-asdf.asd ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (MAKE-PATHNAME :HOST "ASDFTEST" :DIRECTORY '(:ABSOLUTE "system2" "module4") :NAME NIL :TYPE NIL) yields this: #P"ASDFTEST:SYSTEM2;MODULE4;" (:HOST "ASDFTEST" :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "SYSTEM2" "MODULE4") :NAME NIL :TYPE NIL :VERSION NIL) the other expression (PARSE-NAMESTRING "ASDFTEST:system2;module4;") yields that: #P"ASDFTEST:SYSTEM2;MODULE4;" (:HOST "ASDFTEST" :DEVICE :UNSPECIFIC :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "SYSTEM2" "MODULE4") :NAME NIL :TYPE NIL :VERSION NIL) ;;; 20160907T055409Z : ECL 16.1.2 (:RESULT :TYPE "ECL" :VERSION "16.1.2" :FILE #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/results/ecl-pathnames.text" :SYSTEM-FAILURES (0 336) :DIRECTORY-FAILURES (0 672) :FILE-FAILURES (0 992) :HOMOGENEOUS 0) Checking CMUCL user-homedir-pathname issue. Script succeeded Using ecl, asdf-pathname-test.script passed Testing: duplicate-components-test.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|duplicate-components-test.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running duplicate-components-test.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Loading system definition for duplicate-components from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/duplicate-components.asd ; Registering # Script succeeded Using ecl, duplicate-components-test.script passed Testing: ecl-make-image.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|ecl-make-image.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running ecl-make-image.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Test ld-flags in make-image. Should load from ecl-make-image/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; BUILDING hello_aux.o FILE ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; BUILDING A STANDALONE EXECUTABLE ;;; TEST ABORTED: not a valid pathname designator NIL Backtrace: 0: (#:G2351 NIL) 1: (UIOP/STREAM:CALL-WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX #(1915841584 10662680 1915841488)) 2: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-BACKTRACE NIL) 3: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE #(1 10664680 1915841988)) 4: (# ((ASDF-TEST::ARGS # :COUNT 69 :STREAM #) (ASDF-TEST::NAME . :PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE))) 5: (# ((234 . 0) (#:G238) (233 . #:G237) (ASDF-TEST::C . #) (:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 6: (UIOP/UTILITY:CALL-FUNCTION #(1 10659448 1915843780)) 7: (UIOP/PATHNAME:ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME #(1915843912 10661360 1915843844)) 8: (#:G3896 #(1915844280 10676072 1915844140 1915844128)) 9: (UIOP/UTILITY:CALL-FUNCTION #(1 10659448 1915844724)) 10: (ASDF/CACHE:CONSULT-ASDF-CACHE #(1915844864 10668744 1915844760)) 11: (#:G3895 #(1 10676112 1915845072)) 12: (#:G5722 #(1 10673688 1915845972 1915845976)) 13: (ASDF/PLAN:MAP-DIRECT-DEPENDENCIES #(1915846248 10670760 1915846048)) 14: (ASDF/BUNDLE:DIRECT-DEPENDENCY-FILES #(1 10673704 1915846564 1915846568)) 15: (#:G5727 #(1 10679272 1915846688 1915846692)) 16: (#:G3935 #(1915847136 10676136 1915847160)) 17: (CALL-NEXT-METHOD NIL) 18: (#:G3913 NIL) 19: (UIOP/UTILITY:CALL-FUNCTION #(1 10659448 1915848100)) 20: (ASDF/CACHE:CONSULT-ASDF-CACHE #(1915848240 10668744 1915848136)) 21: (#:G3912 #(1 10676120 1915848448 1915848452)) 22: (ASDF/BUNDLE::BUNDLE-OUTPUT-FILES #(1915849160 10673608 1915849084)) 23: (#:G5628 #(1 10679176 1915849392 1915849396)) 24: (CALL-NEXT-METHOD NIL) 25: (#:G3896 NIL) 26: (UIOP/UTILITY:CALL-FUNCTION #(1 10659448 1915850500)) 27: (ASDF/CACHE:CONSULT-ASDF-CACHE #(1915850640 10668744 1915850536)) 28: (#:G3895 #(1 10676112 1915850848)) 29: (#:G4311 #(1 10677080 1915851536 1915851540)) 30: (#:G4685 #(1 10677864 1915852268)) 31: (#:G4728 #(1915852976 10678040 1915852908)) 32: (#:G4941 #(1 10678792 1915853972 1915853976)) 33: (CALL-NEXT-METHOD NIL) 34: (#:G4924 NIL) 35: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 10668824 1915854700)) 36: (#:G4917 #(1915854992 10678704 1915854920 1915854912 1915854908)) 37: (#:G4911 #(1 10678664 1915855924 1915855928)) 38: (CALL-NEXT-METHOD NIL) 39: (#:G4924 NIL) 40: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 10668824 1915856652)) 41: (#:G4917 #(1915856944 10678704 1915856872 1915856864 1915856860)) 42: (#:G4917 #(1915857888 10678704 1915857816 1915857808 1915857804)) 43: (ASDF/BUNDLE:MAKE-BUILD #(1 10673864 1915859140)) 44: (# NIL) 45: (# NIL) 46: (# ((ASDF-TEST::NAME . "ecl-make-image.script") (ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|ecl-make-image.script|))) 47: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 10668824 1915861724)) 48: (# ((:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 49: (# ((ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|ecl-make-image.script|))) 50: (# NIL) 51: (# ((SI::OUTPUT-FILE . T) (SI::C-FILE) (SI::H-FILE) (SI::DATA-FILE) (SI::VERBOSE . T) (SI::SYSTEM-P) (EXT:QUIT))) 52: (# NIL) 53: (NIL NIL) Above backtrace due to this condition: not a valid pathname designator NIL Script failed Using ecl, ecl-make-image.script failed you can retry compilation with: ./test/ ecl ecl-make-image.script or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with: (cd test ; ecl -norc -load sys:cmp ) then copy/paste: '(#.(load "script-support.lisp") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(load-asdf) #.(frob-packages) #.(asdf::with-asdf-cache () (load "ecl-make-image.script"))) Testing: package-inferred-system-test.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|package-inferred-system-test.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running package-inferred-system-test.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/package-inferred-system-test/a.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; This is compile-time and the *read-base* is 2 ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/package-inferred-system-test/a.lisp. ;;; This is load-time and the *read-base* is 10 (add10 0) is (in decimal) 2 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/package-inferred-system-test/c.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/package-inferred-system-test/c.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/package-inferred-system-test/a/x.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/package-inferred-system-test/a/x.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/package-inferred-system-test/b.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/package-inferred-system-test/b.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/package-inferred-system-test/d.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/package-inferred-system-test/d.lisp. ;;; Checking whether (LOAD-SYSTEM :PACKAGE-INFERRED-SYSTEM-TEST/E) signals PACKAGE-INFERRED-SYSTEM-MISSING-PACKAGE-ERROR Received signal # Checking whether (LOAD-SYSTEM :PACKAGE-INFERRED-SYSTEM-TEST/F) signals MISSING-COMPONENT Received signal Component :PACKAGE-INFERRED-SYSTEM-TEST/F not found Script succeeded Using ecl, package-inferred-system-test.script passed Testing: test-around-compile.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-around-compile.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-around-compile.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Testing around-compile with a function name ; Registering # ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; This is compile-time and the *read-base* is 2 ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test.lisp. ;;; This is load-time and the *read-base* is 10 (add10 0) is (in decimal) 2 Testing around-compile with a lambda ; Registering # ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; This is compile-time and the *read-base* is 9 ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test.lisp. ;;; This is load-time and the *read-base* is 10 (add10 0) is (in decimal) 9 Script succeeded Using ecl, test-around-compile.script passed Testing: test-asdf.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-asdf.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-asdf.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3.lisp. ;;; FOO ASDF-TEST::*PLAN* => # (ASDF/ACTION:COMPONENT-DEPENDS-ON 'ASDF/LISP-ACTION:COMPILE-OP '("test-asdf/test-module-depend" "quux" "file3mod" "file3")) => ((ASDF/LISP-ACTION:PREPARE-OP #)) (ASDF/COMPONENT:COMPONENT-IF-FEATURE (ASDF/FIND-COMPONENT:FIND-COMPONENT "test-asdf/test-module-depend" '("quux" "file3mod" "file3"))) => :COMMON-LISP Script succeeded Using ecl, test-asdf.script passed Testing: test-builtin-source-file-type.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-builtin-source-file-type.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-builtin-source-file-type.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/ ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; compiling ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/ ;;; loading ; Loading system definition for test-source-file-type-1 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-source-file-type-1.asd ; Registering # Hello, world! ; Registering # loading ; Registering # loading ; Registering # loading Script succeeded Using ecl, test-builtin-source-file-type.script passed Testing: test-bundle.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-bundle.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-bundle.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Loading system definition for test-asdf from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-asdf.asd ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # TEST ABORTED: The assertion (LENGTH=N-P ASDF/ACTION::FILES 1) failed Backtrace: 0: (#:G2351 NIL) 1: (UIOP/STREAM:CALL-WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX #(1903367424 15377176 1903367328)) 2: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-BACKTRACE NIL) 3: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE #(1 15379176 1903367828)) 4: (# ((ASDF-TEST::ARGS # :COUNT 69 :STREAM #) (ASDF-TEST::NAME . :PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE))) 5: (# ((390 . 0) (#:G238) (389 . #:G237) (ASDF-TEST::C . #) (:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 6: (ASDF/ACTION:OUTPUT-FILE #(1903369536 15384744 1903369484)) 7: (# NIL) 8: (# ((ASDF-TEST::NAME . "test-bundle.script") (ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-bundle.script|))) 9: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 15383320 1903371244)) 10: (# ((:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 11: (# ((ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-bundle.script|))) 12: (# NIL) 13: (# ((SI::OUTPUT-FILE . T) (SI::C-FILE) (SI::H-FILE) (SI::DATA-FILE) (SI::VERBOSE . T) (SI::SYSTEM-P) (EXT:QUIT))) 14: (# NIL) 15: (NIL NIL) Above backtrace due to this condition: The assertion (UIOP/UTILITY:LENGTH=N-P ASDF/ACTION::FILES 1) failed Script failed Using ecl, test-bundle.script failed you can retry compilation with: ./test/ ecl test-bundle.script or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with: (cd test ; ecl -norc -load sys:cmp ) then copy/paste: '(#.(load "script-support.lisp") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(load-asdf) #.(frob-packages) #.(asdf::with-asdf-cache () (load "test-bundle.script"))) Testing: test-cache-for-introspection.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-cache-for-introspection.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-cache-for-introspection.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for file3-only from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3-only.asd ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for test-asdf from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-asdf.asd ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # The weakly-depends-on information is properly cached The depends-on information is properly cached The defsystem-depends-on information is properly cached Test structured dependencies Test removal of non-orthogonal feature syntax. ; Registering # Script succeeded Using ecl, test-cache-for-introspection.script passed Testing: test-cache.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-cache.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-cache.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Script succeeded Using ecl, test-cache.script passed Testing: test-compile-file-failure.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-compile-file-failure.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-compile-file-failure.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-compile-file-failure.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; Warning: Warning. ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-compile-file-failure.lisp. ;;; ;;; Warning: Lisp compilation failed while compiling # ;;; Warning: Lisp compilation had style-warnings while compiling # ;;; Warning: Warning. ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-compile-file-failure.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; Warning: Warning. ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-compile-file-failure.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test-compile-file-failure.script passed Testing: test-concatenate-source.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-concatenate-source.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-concatenate-source.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for file3-only from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3-only.asd ; Registering # (NTH 0 (INPUT-FILES MCSO SYS)) and (NTH 0 (LOOP :FOR N :IN '(3 1 2) :COLLECT (TEST-SOURCE (FORMAT NIL "file~D.lisp" N)))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3.lisp" (NTH 1 (INPUT-FILES MCSO SYS)) and (NTH 1 (LOOP :FOR N :IN '(3 1 2) :COLLECT (TEST-SOURCE (FORMAT NIL "file~D.lisp" N)))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp" (NTH 2 (INPUT-FILES MCSO SYS)) and (NTH 2 (LOOP :FOR N :IN '(3 1 2) :COLLECT (TEST-SOURCE (FORMAT NIL "file~D.lisp" N)))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp" (OUTPUT-FILE MCSO SYS) and (APPLY-OUTPUT-TRANSLATIONS (RESOLVE-OUTPUT "asdf/test/test-concatenate-source--all-systems.lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/test-concatenate-source--all-systems.lisp" (NTH 0 (OUTPUT-FILES MCSO SYS)) and (NTH 0 (INPUT-FILES MCCSO SYS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/test-concatenate-source--all-systems.lisp" (FIRST (OUTPUT-FILES MCCSO SYS)) and (TEST-FASL "test-concatenate-source--all-systems.lisp") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/test-concatenate-source--all-systems.fas" (NTH 0 (OUTPUT-FILES MCCSO SYS)) and (NTH 0 (INPUT-FILES MLCCSO SYS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/test-concatenate-source--all-systems.fas" (NTH 1 (OUTPUT-FILES MCCSO SYS)) and (NTH 1 (INPUT-FILES MLCCSO SYS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/test-concatenate-source--all-systems.o" ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/test-concatenate-source--all-systems.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/test-concatenate-source--all-systems.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test-concatenate-source.script passed Testing: test-configuration.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-configuration.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-configuration.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 subdirectories of dir2/: (#P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir2/dir4/" #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir2/dir3/") subdirectories of dir5/: (#P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir5/dir7/" #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir5/dir6/") Source Registry: # ; Loading system definition for foo0 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir1/foo0.asd ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for foo1 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir2/dir3/foo1.asd ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for foo2 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir2/dir4/foo2.asd ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for foo3 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir2/foo3.asd ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for foo4 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir5/dir6/foo4.asd ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for foo6 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir8/foo6.asd ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for foo7 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir9/dira/foo7.asd ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for foo8 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir9/dira/dirc/foo8.asd ; Registering # A: "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir2/bar/baz.lisp" B: "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/dir2/bar/baz.lisp" Script succeeded Using ecl, test-configuration.script passed Testing: test-deferred-warnings.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-deferred-warnings.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-deferred-warnings.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # TDW0 UIOP/LISP-BUILD:*COMPILE-FILE-WARNINGS-BEHAVIOUR* => :WARN ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/unintern-foo.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/unintern-foo.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/use-foo.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/use-foo.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/use-foo.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/use-foo.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/use-setf-foo.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/use-setf-foo.lisp. ;;; TDW1 UIOP/LISP-BUILD:*WARNINGS-FILE-TYPE* => NIL ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/use-foo.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/use-foo.lisp. ;;; Your Lisp does not support deferred-warnings Using ecl, test-deferred-warnings.script passed Testing: test-defsystem-depends-on.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-defsystem-depends-on.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-defsystem-depends-on.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Loading system definition for test-asdf from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-asdf.asd ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/l-file.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/l-file.lisp. ;;; ; Registering # ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-extension.l. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1.In file included from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/test-extension.c:8:0: /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/ warning: "compiler_data_text" redefined #define compiler_data_text NULL ^ In file included from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/test-extension.c:6:0: /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/test-extension.eclh:13:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition #define compiler_data_text 0 ^ ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-extension.l. ;;; ; Registering # ; Registering # ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/l-operation.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/l-operation.lisp. ;;; ; Registering # ; Registering # Checking whether (MAKE :TEST-DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON-3) signals ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:FORMATTED-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR Received signal # ; Registering # Checking whether (DEF-TEST-SYSTEM UNLOADABLE-SYSTEM :DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON (NONEXISTENT-SYSTEM)) signals MISSING-DEPENDENCY Received signal Component "nonexistent-system" not found, required by NIL Checking whether (FIND-SYSTEM "test-defsystem-depends-on-missing-system") signals MISSING-DEPENDENCY ; Loading system definition for test-defsystem-depends-on-missing-system from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-defsystem-depends-on-missing-system.asd Received signal Component "nonexistent-system" not found, required by NIL Script succeeded Using ecl, test-defsystem-depends-on.script passed Testing: test-defsystem-errors.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-defsystem-errors.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-defsystem-errors.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # Script succeeded Using ecl, test-defsystem-errors.script passed Testing: test-encodings.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-encodings.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-encodings.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Test TEST-ENCODING-EXPLICIT-U8: should be UTF-8 ; Registering # Couldn't find ASDF-ENCODINGS. Skipping the rest the test. Using ecl, test-encodings.script passed Testing: test-force.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-force.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-force.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Check that :force t forces the current system but not its dependencies ASDF-TEST::PLAN => ((# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #)) Check that :force :all forces the current system and its dependencies ASDF-TEST::PLAN => ((# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #)) Check that :force-not takes precedence over :force, with t means "all but current system" ASDF-TEST::PLAN => ((# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #)) Check that :force-not :all means "all systems" ASDF-TEST::PLAN => NIL Check that :force-not :all takes precedence over :force ASDF-TEST::PLAN => NIL Check that immutable-systems will block forcing ASDF-TEST::PLAN => ((# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #)) ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test-force.script passed Testing: test-inline-methods.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-inline-methods.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-inline-methods.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # Method run before loading FASL for # - *a* = 1 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; Method run for loading FASL for # - *a* = 2 Script succeeded Using ecl, test-inline-methods.script passed Testing: test-logical-pathname.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-logical-pathname.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-logical-pathname.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 LOGICAL (LOGICAL-PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS "ASDF") => ((#P"ASDF:**;*.ASD.*" #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/**/*.asd") (#P"ASDF:**;*.LISP.*" #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/**/*.lisp") (#P"ASDF:**;*.*.*" #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/**/*.*")) (TRANSLATE-LOGICAL-PATHNAME "ASDF:test;test-logical-pathname.asd") => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-logical-pathname.asd" (TRUENAME "ASDF:test;test-logical-pathname.asd") => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-logical-pathname.asd" (TRANSLATE-LOGICAL-PATHNAME "ASDF:test;test-logical-pathname.lisp") => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-logical-pathname.lisp" (TRANSLATE-LOGICAL-PATHNAME "ASDF:test;test-logical-pathname.fasl") => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/test/test-logical-pathname.fasl" Test logical pathnames in central registry loading (ASDF/OPERATE:LOAD-SYSTEM :TEST-LOGICAL-PATHNAME :FORCE T) => ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/logical-file.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/logical-file.lisp. ;;; T Test logical pathnames in source-registry, non-recursive ; Loading system definition for test-logical-pathname from ASDF:TEST;TEST-LOGICAL-PATHNAME.ASD.NEWEST ; Registering # ;;; ;;; Compiling ASDF:TEST;LOGICAL-FILE.LISP. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling ASDF:TEST;LOGICAL-FILE.LISP. ;;; Test logical pathnames in source-registry, recursive ;;; ;;; Compiling ASDF:TEST;LOGICAL-FILE.LISP. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling ASDF:TEST;LOGICAL-FILE.LISP. ;;; Done Script succeeded Using ecl, test-logical-pathname.script passed Testing: test-make-build.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-make-build.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-make-build.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 build sample-system. Should load from sample-system/ ; Loading system definition for sample-system from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/sample-system/sample-system.asd ; Registering # TEST ABORTED: not a valid pathname designator NIL Backtrace: 0: (#:G2351 NIL) 1: (UIOP/STREAM:CALL-WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX #(1906751040 28181272 1906750944)) 2: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-BACKTRACE NIL) 3: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE #(1 28183272 1906751444)) 4: (# ((ASDF-TEST::ARGS # :COUNT 69 :STREAM #) (ASDF-TEST::NAME . :PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE))) 5: (# ((212 . 0) (#:G238) (211 . #:G237) (ASDF-TEST::C . #) (:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 6: (UIOP/UTILITY:CALL-FUNCTION #(1 28178040 1906753236)) 7: (UIOP/PATHNAME:ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME #(1906753368 28179952 1906753300)) 8: (#:G3896 #(1906753736 28194664 1906753596 1906753584)) 9: (UIOP/UTILITY:CALL-FUNCTION #(1 28178040 1906754180)) 10: (ASDF/CACHE:CONSULT-ASDF-CACHE #(1906754320 28187336 1906754216)) 11: (#:G3895 #(1 28194704 1906754528)) 12: (#:G5722 #(1 28192280 1906755428 1906755432)) 13: (ASDF/PLAN:MAP-DIRECT-DEPENDENCIES #(1906755704 28189352 1906755504)) 14: (ASDF/BUNDLE:DIRECT-DEPENDENCY-FILES #(1 28192296 1906756020 1906756024)) 15: (#:G5727 #(1 28197864 1906756144 1906756148)) 16: (#:G3935 #(1906756592 28194728 1906756616)) 17: (CALL-NEXT-METHOD NIL) 18: (#:G3913 NIL) 19: (UIOP/UTILITY:CALL-FUNCTION #(1 28178040 1906757556)) 20: (ASDF/CACHE:CONSULT-ASDF-CACHE #(1906757696 28187336 1906757592)) 21: (#:G3912 #(1 28194712 1906757904 1906757908)) 22: (ASDF/BUNDLE::BUNDLE-OUTPUT-FILES #(1906758616 28192200 1906758540)) 23: (#:G5628 #(1 28197768 1906758848 1906758852)) 24: (CALL-NEXT-METHOD NIL) 25: (#:G3896 NIL) 26: (UIOP/UTILITY:CALL-FUNCTION #(1 28178040 1906759956)) 27: (ASDF/CACHE:CONSULT-ASDF-CACHE #(1906760096 28187336 1906759992)) 28: (#:G3895 #(1 28194704 1906760304)) 29: (#:G4311 #(1 28195672 1906760992 1906760996)) 30: (#:G4685 #(1 28196456 1906761724)) 31: (#:G4728 #(1906762432 28196632 1906762364)) 32: (#:G4941 #(1 28197384 1906763412 1906763416)) 33: (CALL-NEXT-METHOD NIL) 34: (#:G4924 NIL) 35: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 28187416 1906764124)) 36: (#:G4917 #(1906764416 28197296 1906764344 1906764336 1906764332)) 37: (#:G4911 #(1 28197256 1906765332 1906765336)) 38: (CALL-NEXT-METHOD NIL) 39: (#:G4924 NIL) 40: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 28187416 1906766044)) 41: (#:G4917 #(1906766336 28197296 1906766264 1906766256 1906766252)) 42: (#:G4917 #(1906767264 28197296 1906767192 1906767184 1906767180)) 43: (ASDF/BUNDLE:MAKE-BUILD #(1 28192456 1906768500)) 44: (# NIL) 45: (# ((ASDF-TEST::NAME . "test-make-build.script") (ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-make-build.script|))) 46: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 28187416 1906769772)) 47: (# ((:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 48: (# ((ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-make-build.script|))) 49: (# NIL) 50: (# ((SI::OUTPUT-FILE . T) (SI::C-FILE) (SI::H-FILE) (SI::DATA-FILE) (SI::VERBOSE . T) (SI::SYSTEM-P) (EXT:QUIT))) 51: (# NIL) 52: (NIL NIL) Above backtrace due to this condition: not a valid pathname designator NIL Script failed Using ecl, test-make-build.script failed you can retry compilation with: ./test/ ecl test-make-build.script or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with: (cd test ; ecl -norc -load sys:cmp ) then copy/paste: '(#.(load "script-support.lisp") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(load-asdf) #.(frob-packages) #.(asdf::with-asdf-cache () (load "test-make-build.script"))) Testing: test-missing-lisp-file.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-missing-lisp-file.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-missing-lisp-file.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/fileMissing.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/fileMissing.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test-missing-lisp-file.script passed Testing: test-module-depend.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-module-depend.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-module-depend.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 FILE1.FASL and (TEST-FASL "file1") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file1.fas" FILE2.FASL and (TEST-FASL "file2") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file2.fas" FILE3.FASL and (TEST-FASL "file3") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file3.fas" ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test-module-depend.script passed Testing: test-module-excessive-depend.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-module-excessive-depend.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-module-excessive-depend.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # loading test-module-excessive-depend (ASDF/OPERATE:OPERATE 'ASDF/LISP-ACTION:LOAD-OP 'ASDF-TEST::TEST-MODULE-EXCESSIVE-DEPEND) => # # ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test-module-excessive-depend.script passed Testing: test-module-pathnames.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-module-pathnames.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-module-pathnames.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # Loading the system ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/sources/level1/file1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; compiling level1/file1 ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/sources/level1/file1.lisp. ;;; loading level1/file1 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/sources/level1/level2/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/sources/level1/level2/file2.lisp. ;;; Checking pathnames Script succeeded Using ecl, test-module-pathnames.script passed Testing: test-multiple.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-multiple.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-multiple.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file4.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file4.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test-multiple.script passed Testing: test-mutual-redefinition.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-mutual-redefinition.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-mutual-redefinition.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 loading test-mutual-redefinition-1 ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (TEST-SOURCE "test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd") yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) the other expression (CURRENT-SYSTEM-SOURCE-FILE "test-mutual-redefinition-1") yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (TEST-SOURCE "test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd") yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) the other expression (CURRENT-SYSTEM-SOURCE-FILE "test-mutual-redefinition-2") yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) loading test-mutual-redefinition-2 in the same cache session ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (TEST-SOURCE "test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd") yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) the other expression (CURRENT-SYSTEM-SOURCE-FILE "test-mutual-redefinition-1") yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (TEST-SOURCE "test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd") yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) the other expression (CURRENT-SYSTEM-SOURCE-FILE "test-mutual-redefinition-2") yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) loading test-mutual-redefinition-2 in a different cache session ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (TEST-SOURCE "test-mutual-redefinition-2.asd") yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-2.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-2" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) the other expression (CURRENT-SYSTEM-SOURCE-FILE "test-mutual-redefinition-1") yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-2.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-2" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (TEST-SOURCE "test-mutual-redefinition-2.asd") yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-2.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-2" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) the other expression (CURRENT-SYSTEM-SOURCE-FILE "test-mutual-redefinition-2") yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-mutual-redefinition-2.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-mutual-redefinition-2" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) Script succeeded Using ecl, test-mutual-redefinition.script passed Testing: test-nested-components.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-nested-components.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-nested-components.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # (:A ((# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #)) ((# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #)) :X ((# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #)) ((# . #) (# . #) (# . #) (# . #))) Script succeeded Using ecl, test-nested-components.script passed Testing: test-operation-classes.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-operation-classes.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-operation-classes.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Checking whether (MAKE-INSTANCE 'MY-UNUPDATED-OPERATION) signals OPERATION-DEFINITION-WARNING Received signal # Checking whether (MAKE-INSTANCE 'MY-INCOHERENT-OPERATION) signals OPERATION-DEFINITION-ERROR Received signal # ;;; Warning: No dependency propagating scheme specified for operation class TRIVIAL-OPERATION. The class needs to be updated for ASDF 3.1 and specify appropriate propagation mixins. ; Loading system definition for test-asdf from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-asdf.asd ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ;;; Warning: No dependency propagating scheme specified for operation class TRIVIAL-OPERATION. The class needs to be updated for ASDF 3.1 and specify appropriate propagation mixins. ;;; Warning: No dependency propagating scheme specified for operation class TRIVIAL-OPERATION. The class needs to be updated for ASDF 3.1 and specify appropriate propagation mixins. Script succeeded Using ecl, test-operation-classes.script passed Testing: test-package.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-package.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-package.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Loading system definition from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-package.asd ; Registering # ; Loading system definition from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-package.asd Script succeeded Using ecl, test-package.script passed Testing: test-preloaded.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-preloaded.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-preloaded.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Consider a system that does not exist. Loading it fails. Checking whether (LOAD-SYSTEM :THIS-SYSTEM-DOES-NOT-EXIST) signals error MISSING-COMPONENT Now let's register it as preloaded. Loading it will work! Now let's load a simple system. It should create a package. Destroy the package, clear the system and load it again. The package should be back. Destroy the package, clear the system, and register it as immutable. Try loading it again. The package should NOT be back, because it's immutable thus it's NOT going to be loaded. ; Registering # Script succeeded Using ecl, test-preloaded.script passed Testing: test-program.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-program.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-program.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 FOO (UIOP/LISP-BUILD:CURRENT-LISP-FILE-PATHNAME) => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-program.script" ; Loading system definition for hello-world-example from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/hello-world-example.asd ; Registering # Couldn't find lisp-invocation. Probably your ASDF ext/ directory needs submodule update. Using ecl, test-program.script failed you can retry compilation with: ./test/ ecl test-program.script or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with: (cd test ; ecl -norc -load sys:cmp ) then copy/paste: '(#.(load "script-support.lisp") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(load-asdf) #.(frob-packages) #.(asdf::with-asdf-cache () (load "test-program.script"))) Testing: test-redundant-recompile.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-redundant-recompile.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-redundant-recompile.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # test-redundant-recompile 1: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file1.fas" 3682216491 test-redundant-recompile 2: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file2.fas" 3682216492 Script succeeded Using ecl, test-redundant-recompile.script passed Testing: test-retry-loading-component-1.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-retry-loading-component-1.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-retry-loading-component-1.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Caught error Component "try-reloading-dependency" not found, required by # trlc1 5 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test-retry-loading-component-1.script passed Testing: test-run-program.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-run-program.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-run-program.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Testing echo ok 1 via run-program as a list TEST ABORTED: ("echo" "ok" "1") fell through ETYPECASE expression. Wanted one of (). Backtrace: 0: (#:G2351 NIL) 1: (UIOP/STREAM:CALL-WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX #(1910325280 33719064 1910325184)) 2: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-BACKTRACE NIL) 3: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE #(1 33721064 1910325684)) 4: (# ((ASDF-TEST::ARGS # :COUNT 69 :STREAM #) (ASDF-TEST::NAME . :PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE))) 5: (# ((142 . 0) (#:G238) (141 . #:G237) (ASDF-TEST::C . #) (:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 6: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%NORMALIZE-COMMAND #(1 33721720 1910327328)) 7: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%RUN-PROGRAM #(1 33721888 1910327748)) 8: (#:G2777 #(1 33722704 1910328468 1910328472)) 9: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::EASY-CASE NIL) 10: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%CALL-WITH-PROGRAM-IO #(1 33722000 1910328680 1910328684 1910328696)) 11: (#:G2776 NIL) 12: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::EASY-CASE NIL) 13: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%CALL-WITH-PROGRAM-IO #(1 33722000 1910329384 1910329388 1910329400)) 14: (#:G2775 NIL) 15: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::HARD-CASE NIL) 16: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%CALL-WITH-PROGRAM-IO #(1 33722000 1910330104 1910330108 1910330120)) 17: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%USE-RUN-PROGRAM #(1 33722736 1910330556 1910330552 1910330548)) 18: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM:RUN-PROGRAM #(1 33722960 1910331284)) 19: (# NIL) 20: (# ((ASDF-TEST::NAME . "test-run-program.script") (ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-run-program.script|))) 21: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 33725208 1910332540)) 22: (# ((:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 23: (# ((ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-run-program.script|))) 24: (# NIL) 25: (# ((SI::OUTPUT-FILE . T) (SI::C-FILE) (SI::H-FILE) (SI::DATA-FILE) (SI::VERBOSE . T) (SI::SYSTEM-P) (EXT:QUIT))) 26: (# NIL) 27: (NIL NIL) Above backtrace due to this condition: ("echo" "ok" "1") fell through ETYPECASE expression. Wanted one of (). Script failed Using ecl, test-run-program.script failed you can retry compilation with: ./test/ ecl test-run-program.script or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with: (cd test ; ecl -norc -load sys:cmp ) then copy/paste: '(#.(load "script-support.lisp") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(load-asdf) #.(frob-packages) #.(asdf::with-asdf-cache () (load "test-run-program.script"))) Testing: test-samedir-modules.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-samedir-modules.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-samedir-modules.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 loading test-samedir-modules ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; test that it compiled ASDF-TEST::FILE1 => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file1.fas" ASDF-TEST::FILE1-DATE => 3682216503 and loaded Script succeeded Using ecl, test-samedir-modules.script passed Testing: test-source-file-type.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-source-file-type.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-source-file-type.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Loading system definition for test-source-file-type-1 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-source-file-type-1.asd ; Registering # Hello, world! ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/ ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; compiling ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/ ;;; loading ; Loading system definition for test-source-file-type-2 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-source-file-type-2.asd ; Registering # loading Script succeeded Using ecl, test-source-file-type.script passed Testing: test-stamp-propagation.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-stamp-propagation.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-stamp-propagation.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 FOO XXX :EXECUTE :TSP ; Registering # Testing stamp propagation by defsystem :ASDF loading system ASDF-CACHE before # XXX :COMPILING :SYSTEM XXX :LOADING :SYSTEM ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; XXX :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :FILE1 ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file1.lisp. ;;; ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file1.fas" XXX :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE1 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; XXX :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :FILE2 ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file2.lisp. ;;; ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file2.fas" XXX :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE2 ASDF-CACHE after # EVAL-NOTES ((:COMPILING :SYSTEM) (:LOADING :SYSTEM) (:COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :FILE1) (:LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE1) (:COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :FILE2) (:LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE2)) ; Registering # marking all files old but first source file, and reloading defsystem should recompile & reload everything ASDF-CACHE before # XXX :COMPILING :SYSTEM XXX :LOADING :SYSTEM ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; XXX :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :FILE1 ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file1.lisp. ;;; ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file1.fas" XXX :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE1 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; XXX :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :FILE2 ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file2.lisp. ;;; ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file2.fas" XXX :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE2 ASDF-CACHE after # EVAL-NOTES ((:COMPILING :SYSTEM) (:LOADING :SYSTEM) (:COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :FILE1) (:LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE1) (:COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :FILE2) (:LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE2)) ; Registering # marking the old fasl new, the second one up to date defsystem should reload it, recompile & reload the other ASDF-CACHE before # XXX :COMPILING :SYSTEM XXX :LOADING :SYSTEM ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file1.fas" XXX :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE1 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; XXX :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :FILE2 ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file2.lisp. ;;; ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/file2.fas" XXX :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE2 ASDF-CACHE after # EVAL-NOTES ((:COMPILING :SYSTEM) (:LOADING :SYSTEM) (:LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE1) (:COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :FILE2) (:LOAD-TOPLEVEL :FILE2)) cleaning up Script succeeded Using ecl, test-stamp-propagation.script passed Testing: test-static-and-serial.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-static-and-serial.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-static-and-serial.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # FILE1.LISP and (TEST-SOURCE "file1.lisp") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp" FILE2.LISP and (TEST-SOURCE "file2.lisp") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp" RUN-TESTS.SH and (TEST-SOURCE "") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" FILE1.FASL and (TEST-FASL "file1") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file1.fas" file: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file1.fas" date: 3682216503 ; Registering # load again (ASDF/OPERATE:OOS 'ASDF/LISP-ACTION:LOAD-OP 'ASDF-TEST::STATIC-AND-SERIAL) => # # Script succeeded Using ecl, test-static-and-serial.script passed Testing: test-symlink-loop.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-symlink-loop.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-symlink-loop.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 TEST ABORTED: No /dev/null on your OS Backtrace: 0: (#:G2351 NIL) 1: (UIOP/STREAM:CALL-WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX #(1923567712 24556312 1923567616)) 2: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-BACKTRACE NIL) 3: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE #(1 24558312 1923568116)) 4: (# ((ASDF-TEST::ARGS # :COUNT 69 :STREAM #) (ASDF-TEST::NAME . :PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE))) 5: (# ((147 . 0) (#:G238) (146 . #:G237) (ASDF-TEST::C . #) (:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 6: (UIOP/STREAM:NULL-DEVICE-PATHNAME NIL) 7: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::REDIRECT #(1 24560024 1923569676 1923569672)) 8: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%REDIRECTED-SYSTEM-COMMAND #(1 24560064 1923570016 1923570020 1923570024 1923570028 1923570032)) 9: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%SYSTEM #(1 24560128 1923570260)) 10: (#:G2824 #(1 24560136 1923570724 1923570728)) 11: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::EASY-CASE NIL) 12: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%CALL-WITH-PROGRAM-IO #(1 24559248 1923570936 1923570940 1923570952)) 13: (#:G2822 #(1 24560152 1923571384)) 14: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::EASY-CASE NIL) 15: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%CALL-WITH-PROGRAM-IO #(1 24559248 1923571592 1923571596 1923571608)) 16: (#:G2820 #(1 24560168 1923572040)) 17: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::EASY-CASE NIL) 18: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%CALL-WITH-PROGRAM-IO #(1 24559248 1923572248 1923572252 1923572264)) 19: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%USE-SYSTEM NIL) 20: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM:RUN-PROGRAM #(1 24560208 1923573300)) 21: (# ((ASDF-TEST::SCRATCH-DIR . "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/looping-scratch/"))) 22: (# ((ASDF-TEST::NAME . "test-symlink-loop.script") (ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-symlink-loop.script|))) 23: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 24562456 1923574556)) 24: (# ((:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 25: (# ((ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-symlink-loop.script|))) 26: (# NIL) 27: (# ((SI::OUTPUT-FILE . T) (SI::C-FILE) (SI::H-FILE) (SI::DATA-FILE) (SI::VERBOSE . T) (SI::SYSTEM-P) (EXT:QUIT))) 28: (# NIL) 29: (NIL NIL) Above backtrace due to this condition: No /dev/null on your OS Script failed Cleaning up TEST ABORTED: No /dev/null on your OS Backtrace: 0: (#:G2351 NIL) 1: (UIOP/STREAM:CALL-WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX #(1923567712 24556312 1923567616)) 2: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-BACKTRACE NIL) 3: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE #(1 24558312 1923568116)) 4: (# ((ASDF-TEST::ARGS # :COUNT 69 :STREAM #) (ASDF-TEST::NAME . :PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE))) 5: (# ((1024 . 0) (#:G238) (1023 . #:G237) (ASDF-TEST::C . #) (:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 6: (UIOP/STREAM:NULL-DEVICE-PATHNAME NIL) 7: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::REDIRECT #(1 24560024 1923569676 1923569672)) 8: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%REDIRECTED-SYSTEM-COMMAND #(1 24560064 1923570016 1923570020 1923570024 1923570028 1923570032)) 9: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%SYSTEM #(1 24560128 1923570260)) 10: (#:G2824 #(1 24560136 1923570724 1923570728)) 11: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::EASY-CASE NIL) 12: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%CALL-WITH-PROGRAM-IO #(1 24559248 1923570936 1923570940 1923570952)) 13: (#:G2822 #(1 24560152 1923571384)) 14: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::EASY-CASE NIL) 15: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%CALL-WITH-PROGRAM-IO #(1 24559248 1923571592 1923571596 1923571608)) 16: (#:G2820 #(1 24560168 1923572040)) 17: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::EASY-CASE NIL) 18: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%CALL-WITH-PROGRAM-IO #(1 24559248 1923572248 1923572252 1923572264)) 19: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%USE-SYSTEM NIL) 20: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM:RUN-PROGRAM #(1 24560208 1923573300)) 21: (# ((ASDF-TEST::SCRATCH-DIR . "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/looping-scratch/"))) 22: (# ((ASDF-TEST::NAME . "test-symlink-loop.script") (ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-symlink-loop.script|))) 23: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 24562456 1923574556)) 24: (# ((:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 25: (# ((ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-symlink-loop.script|))) 26: (# NIL) 27: (# ((SI::OUTPUT-FILE . T) (SI::C-FILE) (SI::H-FILE) (SI::DATA-FILE) (SI::VERBOSE . T) (SI::SYSTEM-P) (EXT:QUIT))) 28: (# NIL) 29: (NIL NIL) Above backtrace due to this condition: No /dev/null on your OS Script failed Using ecl, test-symlink-loop.script failed you can retry compilation with: ./test/ ecl test-symlink-loop.script or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with: (cd test ; ecl -norc -load sys:cmp ) then copy/paste: '(#.(load "script-support.lisp") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(load-asdf) #.(frob-packages) #.(asdf::with-asdf-cache () (load "test-symlink-loop.script"))) Testing: test-sysdef-asdf.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-sysdef-asdf.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-sysdef-asdf.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Using ASDF Try load ASDF with an empty configuration Bogus attempt at loading an old ASDF: should issue a warning and ignore ;;; Warning: You are using ASDF version (probably from (require "asdf") or loaded by quicklisp) and have an older version of ASDF 1.0 registered at #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/always-error.lisp". Having an ASDF installed and registered is the normal way of configuring ASDF to upgrade itself, and having an old version registered is a configuration error. ASDF will ignore this configured system rather than downgrade itself. In the future, you may want to either: (a) upgrade this configured ASDF to a newer version, (b) install a newer ASDF and register it in front of the former in your configuration, or (c) uninstall or unregister this and any other old version of ASDF from your configuration. Note that the older ASDF might be registered implicitly through configuration inherited from your system installation, in which case you might have to specify :ignore-inherited-configuration in your in your ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf or other source-registry configuration file, environment variable or lisp parameter. Indeed, a likely offender is an obsolete version of the cl-asdf debian or ubuntu package, that you might want to upgrade (if a recent enough version is available) or else remove altogether (since most implementations ship with a recent asdf); if you lack the system administration rights to upgrade or remove this package, then you might indeed want to either install and register a more recent version, or use :ignore-inherited-configuration to avoid registering the old one. Please consult ASDF documentation and/or experts. 2nd bogus attempt at loading same old ASDF: should ignore without a warning Load ASDF with proper configuration: should find asdf.asd from the source above ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/asdf.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/asdf.lisp. ;;; ;;; Warning: Lisp compilation had style-warnings while compiling # ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (SUBPATHNAME *ASDF-DIRECTORY* "asdf.asd") yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf") :NAME "asdf" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) the other expression (SYSTEM-SOURCE-FILE (FIND-SYSTEM :ASDF)) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf") :NAME "asdf" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) Checking that the bootstrap script and asdf.asd are in synch Testing that the Makefile and ASDF agree on the order of UIOP files (NTH 0 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 0 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/package.lisp" (NTH 1 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 1 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/common-lisp.lisp" (NTH 2 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 2 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/utility.lisp" (NTH 3 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 3 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/os.lisp" (NTH 4 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 4 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/pathname.lisp" (NTH 5 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 5 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/filesystem.lisp" (NTH 6 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 6 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/stream.lisp" (NTH 7 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 7 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/image.lisp" (NTH 8 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 8 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/run-program.lisp" (NTH 9 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 9 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/lisp-build.lisp" (NTH 10 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 10 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/configuration.lisp" (NTH 11 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 11 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/backward-driver.lisp" (NTH 12 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :UIOP)) and (NTH 12 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "driver_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"uiop/driver.lisp" Testing that the Makefile and ASDF agree on the order of ASDF/DEFSYSTEM files (NTH 0 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 0 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"upgrade.lisp" (NTH 1 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 1 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"component.lisp" (NTH 2 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 2 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"system.lisp" (NTH 3 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 3 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"cache.lisp" (NTH 4 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 4 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"find-system.lisp" (NTH 5 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 5 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"find-component.lisp" (NTH 6 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 6 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"operation.lisp" (NTH 7 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 7 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"action.lisp" (NTH 8 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 8 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"lisp-action.lisp" (NTH 9 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 9 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"plan.lisp" (NTH 10 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 10 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"operate.lisp" (NTH 11 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 11 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"output-translations.lisp" (NTH 12 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 12 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"source-registry.lisp" (NTH 13 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 13 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"parse-defsystem.lisp" (NTH 14 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 14 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"bundle.lisp" (NTH 15 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 15 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"concatenate-source.lisp" (NTH 16 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 16 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"package-inferred-system.lisp" (NTH 17 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 17 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"backward-internals.lisp" (NTH 18 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 18 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"backward-interface.lisp" (NTH 19 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 19 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"interface.lisp" (NTH 20 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 20 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"user.lisp" (NTH 21 (SYSTEM-LISP-FILES :ASDF/DEFSYSTEM)) and (NTH 21 (BOOTSTRAP-LISP-FILES "defsystem_lisp")) both evaluate to same path: #P"footer.lisp" Script succeeded Using ecl, test-sysdef-asdf.script passed Testing: test-system-pathnames.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-system-pathnames.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-system-pathnames.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # loading test-system-pathnames loading level1/file1 checking that test-system-pathnames loaded properly Script succeeded Using ecl, test-system-pathnames.script passed Testing: test-touch-system-1.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-touch-system-1.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-touch-system-1.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression TEST1.ASD yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (TEST-SOURCE "test1.asd") yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) BLAH ASDF-TEST::DATE1 => 3682186213 ASDF-TEST::DATE2 => 3682185613 ASDF-TEST::DATE3 => 3682185913 ASDF-TEST::DATE4 => 3682216505 ASDF-TEST::DATE5 => 3682185613 ; Loading system definition for test1 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test1.asd ; Registering # Script succeeded Using ecl, test-touch-system-1.script passed Testing: test-touch-system-2.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-touch-system-2.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-touch-system-2.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression TEST1.ASD yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (TEST-SOURCE "test1.asd") yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) ; Registering # ; Registering # Script succeeded Using ecl, test-touch-system-2.script passed Testing: test-try-recompiling-1.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-try-recompiling-1.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-try-recompiling-1.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/try-recompiling-1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/try-recompiling-1.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/try-recompiling-1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/try-recompiling-1.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test-try-recompiling-1.script passed Testing: test-try-refinding.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-try-refinding.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-try-refinding.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Loading system definition for test-asdf from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-asdf.asd ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # Clearing the caches and finding. Correctly failed to find system. Caught MISSING-COMPONENT condition. ; Loading system definition for test-asdf from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-asdf.asd ; Registering # ; Registering # Refinding test successful. Now trying LOAD-SYSTEM with refinding. ; Registering # Catching MISSING-DEPENDENCY condition: ASDF-TEST::TRIED-ONCE => NIL Trying to reset the central registry and retry. Before invoking restart, CENTRAL-REGISTRY is: ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:*CENTRAL-REGISTRY* => (#P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/") Script succeeded Using ecl, test-try-refinding.script passed Testing: test-undeferred-warnings.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-undeferred-warnings.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-undeferred-warnings.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for undefined-variables-throttled from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/undefined-variables-throttled.asd ; Registering # Check for proper errors on warning. Checking whether (LET ((*COMPILE-FILE-WARNINGS-BEHAVIOUR* :ERROR)) (LOAD-SYSTEM :UNDEFINED-VARIABLES :FORCE T)) signals error COMPILE-FILE-ERROR ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; Style warning: ;;; in file fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp, position 117 ;;; at (DEFUN FOO ...) ;;; ! Variable A was undefined. Compiler assumes it is a global. ;;; Style warning: ;;; in file fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp, position 117 ;;; at (DEFUN FOO ...) ;;; ! Variable B was undefined. Compiler assumes it is a global. ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp. ;;; Check for proper warnings on warning. Checking whether (LET ((*COMPILE-FILE-WARNINGS-BEHAVIOUR* :WARNING)) (LOAD-SYSTEM :UNDEFINED-VARIABLES :FORCE T)) signals error COMPILE-FILE-ERROR ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; Style warning: ;;; in file fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp, position 117 ;;; at (DEFUN FOO ...) ;;; ! Variable A was undefined. Compiler assumes it is a global. ;;; Style warning: ;;; in file fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp, position 117 ;;; at (DEFUN FOO ...) ;;; ! Variable B was undefined. Compiler assumes it is a global. ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp. ;;; check for undefined variable warnings to not fail a build. ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; Style warning: ;;; in file fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp, position 117 ;;; at (DEFUN FOO ...) ;;; ! Variable A was undefined. Compiler assumes it is a global. ;;; Style warning: ;;; in file fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp, position 117 ;;; at (DEFUN FOO ...) ;;; ! Variable B was undefined. Compiler assumes it is a global. ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp. ;;; check for undefined variable-warnings throttled by PERFORM around method not failing a build. ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; Style warning: ;;; in file fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp, position 117 ;;; at (DEFUN FOO ...) ;;; ! Variable A was undefined. Compiler assumes it is a global. ;;; Style warning: ;;; in file fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp, position 117 ;;; at (DEFUN FOO ...) ;;; ! Variable B was undefined. Compiler assumes it is a global. ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/fun-with-undefined-locals.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test-undeferred-warnings.script passed Testing: test-urls-1.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-urls-1.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-urls-1.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Script succeeded Using ecl, test-urls-1.script passed Testing: test-urls-2.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-urls-2.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-urls-2.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Script succeeded Using ecl, test-urls-2.script passed Testing: test-utilities.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-utilities.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-utilities.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 1 (UIOP/OS:CHDIR ASDF-TEST::ASDF-DIRECTORY) => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" (SETF *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* ASDF-TEST::ASDF-DIRECTORY) => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" DIR and (GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" DIR and (SIMPLIFY-PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (TRUENAME #P"")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" DIR and (SIMPLIFY-PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (TRUENAME* #P"")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" TRUE and (TRUENAME FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" TRUE and (TRUENAME* FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" TRUE and (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression TRUE yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf") :NAME "asdf" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (PROBE-FILE* FILE) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf") :NAME "asdf" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) TRUE and (TRUENAME FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" TRUE and (TRUENAME* FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" TRUE and (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression TRUE yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-utilities" :TYPE "script" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (PROBE-FILE* FILE) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-utilities" :TYPE "script" :VERSION NIL) TRUE and (TRUENAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (NEST (TRUENAME* FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (LET ((PATH (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T))) PATH) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (IF-LET (X (PROBE-FILE* FILE)) (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME X) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (TRUENAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (NEST (TRUENAME* FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (LET ((PATH (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T))) PATH) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (IF-LET (X (PROBE-FILE* FILE)) (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME X) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" 2 (UIOP/OS:CHDIR ASDF-TEST::TEST-DIRECTORY) => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" (SETF *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* ASDF-TEST::TEST-DIRECTORY) => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" DIR and (GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" DIR and (SIMPLIFY-PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (TRUENAME #P"")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" DIR and (SIMPLIFY-PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (TRUENAME* #P"")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" TRUE and (TRUENAME FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" TRUE and (TRUENAME* FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" TRUE and (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression TRUE yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-utilities" :TYPE "script" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (PROBE-FILE* FILE) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-utilities" :TYPE "script" :VERSION NIL) TRUE and (TRUENAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (NEST (TRUENAME* FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (LET ((PATH (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T))) PATH) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (IF-LET (X (PROBE-FILE* FILE)) (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME X) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (TRUENAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (NEST (TRUENAME* FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (LET ((PATH (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T))) PATH) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (IF-LET (X (PROBE-FILE* FILE)) (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME X) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" 3 (UIOP/OS:CHDIR ASDF-TEST::ASDF-DIRECTORY) => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" (SETF *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* ASDF-TEST::TEST-DIRECTORY) => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" DIR and (GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" DIR and (SIMPLIFY-PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (TRUENAME #P"")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" DIR and (SIMPLIFY-PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (TRUENAME* #P"")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" TRUE and (TRUENAME FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" TRUE and (TRUENAME* FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" TRUE and (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression TRUE yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-utilities" :TYPE "script" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (PROBE-FILE* FILE) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-utilities" :TYPE "script" :VERSION NIL) TRUE and (TRUENAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (NEST (TRUENAME* FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (LET ((PATH (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T))) PATH) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (IF-LET (X (PROBE-FILE* FILE)) (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME X) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (TRUENAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (NEST (TRUENAME* FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (LET ((PATH (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T))) PATH) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (IF-LET (X (PROBE-FILE* FILE)) (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME X) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" 4 (SETF *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* (UIOP/PATHNAME:NIL-PATHNAME)) => #P"" (UIOP/OS:CHDIR ASDF-TEST::ASDF-DIRECTORY) => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" DIR and (GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" DIR and (SIMPLIFY-PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (TRUENAME #P"")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" DIR and (SIMPLIFY-PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (TRUENAME* #P"")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" TRUE and (TRUENAME FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" TRUE and (TRUENAME* FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" TRUE and (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression TRUE yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf") :NAME "asdf" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (PROBE-FILE* FILE) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/asdf.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf") :NAME "asdf" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) TRUE and (TRUENAME FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" TRUE and (TRUENAME* FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" TRUE and (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression TRUE yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-utilities" :TYPE "script" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (PROBE-FILE* FILE) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-utilities" :TYPE "script" :VERSION NIL) TRUE and (TRUENAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (NEST (TRUENAME* FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (LET ((PATH (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T))) PATH) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (IF-LET (X (PROBE-FILE* FILE)) (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME X) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (TRUENAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (NEST (TRUENAME* FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (LET ((PATH (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T))) PATH) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" TRUE and (IF-LET (X (PROBE-FILE* FILE)) (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME X) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/tools/" 5 *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" (UIOP/OS:CHDIR ASDF-TEST::TEST-DIRECTORY) => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/" DIR and (GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" DIR and (SIMPLIFY-PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (TRUENAME #P"")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" DIR and (SIMPLIFY-PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (TRUENAME* #P"")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" TRUE and (TRUENAME FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" TRUE and (TRUENAME* FILE) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" TRUE and (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression TRUE yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-utilities" :TYPE "script" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (PROBE-FILE* FILE) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-utilities.script" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test-utilities" :TYPE "script" :VERSION NIL) TRUE and (TRUENAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (NEST (TRUENAME* FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (LET ((PATH (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T))) PATH) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (IF-LET (X (PROBE-FILE* FILE)) (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME X) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (TRUENAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (NEST (TRUENAME* FILE)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (LET ((PATH (PROBE-FILE* FILE :TRUENAME T))) PATH) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" TRUE and (IF-LET (X (PROBE-FILE* FILE)) (ENSURE-ABSOLUTE-PATHNAME (ENSURE-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME X) 'GET-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS)) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/stamp-propagation/" ; Loading system definition for test-asdf from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-asdf.asd ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ;;; Warning: Requested version "666" but # has no version First pathname test. (NTH 0 (SPLIT-NATIVE-PATHNAMES-STRING (JOIN-NAMESTRINGS '("foo" "bar")))) and (NTH 0 '(#P"foo" #P"bar")) both evaluate to same path: #P"foo" (NTH 1 (SPLIT-NATIVE-PATHNAMES-STRING (JOIN-NAMESTRINGS '("foo" "bar")))) and (NTH 1 '(#P"foo" #P"bar")) both evaluate to same path: #P"bar" Second pathname test. (NTH 0 (SPLIT-NATIVE-PATHNAMES-STRING (JOIN-NAMESTRINGS '("foo" "bar")) :ENSURE-DIRECTORY T)) and (NTH 0 '(#P"foo/" #P"bar/")) both evaluate to same path: #P"foo/" (NTH 1 (SPLIT-NATIVE-PATHNAMES-STRING (JOIN-NAMESTRINGS '("foo" "bar")) :ENSURE-DIRECTORY T)) and (NTH 1 '(#P"foo/" #P"bar/")) both evaluate to same path: #P"bar/" Third pathname test. (NTH 0 (SPLIT-NATIVE-PATHNAMES-STRING (JOIN-NAMESTRINGS '("/foo" "/bar")) :WANT-ABSOLUTE T)) and (NTH 0 '(#P"/foo" #P"/bar")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/foo" (NTH 1 (SPLIT-NATIVE-PATHNAMES-STRING (JOIN-NAMESTRINGS '("/foo" "/bar")) :WANT-ABSOLUTE T)) and (NTH 1 '(#P"/foo" #P"/bar")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/bar" Fourth pathname test. (NTH 0 (SPLIT-NATIVE-PATHNAMES-STRING (JOIN-NAMESTRINGS '("/foo" "/bar")) :WANT-ABSOLUTE T :ENSURE-DIRECTORY T)) and (NTH 0 '(#P"/foo/" #P"/bar/")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/foo/" (NTH 1 (SPLIT-NATIVE-PATHNAMES-STRING (JOIN-NAMESTRINGS '("/foo" "/bar")) :WANT-ABSOLUTE T :ENSURE-DIRECTORY T)) and (NTH 1 '(#P"/foo/" #P"/bar/")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/bar/" Fifth pathname test. ; Loading system definition for uiop from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/uiop/uiop.asd ; Registering # check to make sure DIRECTORY-FILES doesn't list subdirectories ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (NTH 0 DIRECTORY-A) yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/deleteme/a/1.x" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "build" "deleteme" "a") :NAME "1" :TYPE "x" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (NTH 0 (LIST (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/1.x"))) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/deleteme/a/1.x" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "build" "deleteme" "a") :NAME "1" :TYPE "x" :VERSION NIL) ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (NTH 0 DIRECTORY-B) yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/deleteme/a/b/2" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "build" "deleteme" "a" "b") :NAME "2" :TYPE NIL :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (NTH 0 (LIST (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/2"))) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/deleteme/a/b/2" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "build" "deleteme" "a" "b") :NAME "2" :TYPE NIL :VERSION NIL) check to make sure SUBDIRECTORIES does list subdirectories (NTH 0 DIRECTORY-A) and (NTH 0 (LIST (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/"))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/deleteme/a/b/" (NTH 0 (SORT DIRECTORY-B #'STRING< :KEY #'(LAMBDA (X) (CAR (LAST (PATHNAME-DIRECTORY X)))))) and (NTH 0 (LIST (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/c/") (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/d/") (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/e/"))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/deleteme/a/b/c/" (NTH 1 (SORT DIRECTORY-B #'STRING< :KEY #'(LAMBDA (X) (CAR (LAST (PATHNAME-DIRECTORY X)))))) and (NTH 1 (LIST (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/c/") (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/d/") (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/e/"))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/deleteme/a/b/d/" (NTH 2 (SORT DIRECTORY-B #'STRING< :KEY #'(LAMBDA (X) (CAR (LAST (PATHNAME-DIRECTORY X)))))) and (NTH 2 (LIST (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/c/") (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/d/") (SUBPATHNAME *BUILD-DIRECTORY* "deleteme/a/b/e/"))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/deleteme/a/b/e/" testing with-temporary-file ENSURE-GETHASH Checking whether (ENSURE-GETHASH 2 H '(ERROR PARSE-ERROR)) signals PARSE-ERROR Received signal # OPTIMIZATION-SETTINGS STANDARD-CASE-SYMBOL-NAME FIND-STANDARD-CASE-SYMBOL Script succeeded Using ecl, test-utilities.script passed Testing: test-version.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-version.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-version.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 Check that there is an ASDF version that correctly parses to a non-empty list Check that ASDF is newer than 1.234 Check that ASDF is not a compatible replacement for 1.234 Check that asdf.asd is not registered and we're using a fallback system ; Registering # Check that the fallback system bears the current asdf version ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for test-asdf from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test-asdf.asd ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ; Registering # ;;; Warning: Requested version "1" but # has no version Script succeeded Using ecl, test-version.script passed Testing: test-weakly-depends-on-present.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-weakly-depends-on-present.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-weakly-depends-on-present.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # ; Loading system definition for file3-only from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file3-only.asd ; Registering # Loading (ASDF/OPERATE:OPERATE 'ASDF/LISP-ACTION:LOAD-OP 'ASDF-TEST::TEST-WEAKLY-DEPENDS-ON-PRESENT) => # # The weakly-depended-on system, file3-only, should be loaded... test1 1 ASDF-TEST::*FILE3* => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file3.fas" ASDF-TEST::*FILE3-DATE* => 3682216502 The depending system (test-weakly-depends-on-present) loads successfully. [2011/12/14:rpg] test1 2 ASDF-TEST::*FILE1* => #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file1.fas" ASDF-TEST::*FILE1-DATE* => 3682216503 Script succeeded Using ecl, test-weakly-depends-on-present.script passed Testing: test-weakly-depends-on-unpresent.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-weakly-depends-on-unpresent.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-weakly-depends-on-unpresent.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 test1 1: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file1.fas" 3682216503 Script succeeded Using ecl, test-weakly-depends-on-unpresent.script passed Testing: test-xach-update-bug.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test-xach-update-bug.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test-xach-update-bug.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 load foo. Should load from xach-foo-1/ ; Loading system definition for test-asdf-location-change from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/xach-foo-1/test-asdf-location-change.asd ; Registering # ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression (SUBPATHNAME *TEST-DIRECTORY* "xach-foo-1/test-asdf-location-change.asd") yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/xach-foo-1/test-asdf-location-change.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test" "xach-foo-1") :NAME "test-asdf-location-change" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) the other expression (SYSTEM-SOURCE-FILE FOO1) yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/xach-foo-1/test-asdf-location-change.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test" "xach-foo-1") :NAME "test-asdf-location-change" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) (SUBPATHNAME *TEST-DIRECTORY* "xach-foo-1/a.lisp") and (COMPONENT-PATHNAME (FIND-COMPONENT FOO1 "a")) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/xach-foo-1/a.lisp" ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/xach-foo-1/a.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/xach-foo-1/a.lisp. ;;; TEST ABORTED: The variable FIRST-VERSION:LOADED is unbound. Backtrace: 0: (#:G2351 NIL) 1: (UIOP/STREAM:CALL-WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX #(1906127824 30339864 1906127728)) 2: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-BACKTRACE NIL) 3: (UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE #(1 30341864 1906128228)) 4: (# ((ASDF-TEST::ARGS # :COUNT 69 :STREAM #) (ASDF-TEST::NAME . :PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE))) 5: (# ((375 . 0) (#:G238) (374 . #:G237) (ASDF-TEST::C . #) (:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 6: (# NIL) 7: (# ((ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #) (CONDITION))) 8: (# NIL) 9: (# ((ASDF-TEST::NAME . "test-xach-update-bug.script") (ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-xach-update-bug.script|))) 10: (ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE #(1 30346008 1906131548)) 11: (# ((:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #>))) 12: (# ((ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-xach-update-bug.script|))) 13: (# NIL) 14: (# ((SI::OUTPUT-FILE . T) (SI::C-FILE) (SI::H-FILE) (SI::DATA-FILE) (SI::VERBOSE . T) (SI::SYSTEM-P) (EXT:QUIT))) 15: (# NIL) 16: (NIL NIL) Above backtrace due to this condition: The variable FIRST-VERSION:LOADED is unbound. Script failed Using ecl, test-xach-update-bug.script failed you can retry compilation with: ./test/ ecl test-xach-update-bug.script or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with: (cd test ; ecl -norc -load sys:cmp ) then copy/paste: '(#.(load "script-support.lisp") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(load-asdf) #.(frob-packages) #.(asdf::with-asdf-cache () (load "test-xach-update-bug.script"))) Testing: test1.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test1.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test1.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Loading system definition for test1 from /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test1.asd ; Registering # ;;; Warning: These two expressions yield pathname-equal yet not equal path the first expression TEST1.ASD yields this: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST) the other expression (TEST-SOURCE "test1.asd") yields that: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/test1.asd" (:HOST NIL :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "boot" "home" "ecl" "asdf" "test") :NAME "test1" :TYPE "asd" :VERSION NIL) FILE1.LISP and (TEST-SOURCE "file1.lisp") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp" FILE2.LISP and (TEST-SOURCE "file2.lisp") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp" FILE1.FASL and (TEST-FASL "file1") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file1.fas" FILE2.FASL and (TEST-FASL "file2") both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86/asdf/test/file2.fas" loading test1 test that it compiled ASDF-TEST::*DATE* => 3682182613 ASDF-TEST::*THEN* => 3682216505 and loaded now remove file2 that depends-on file1 load again ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; check that file1 is _not_ recompiled, but file2 is now touch file1 and check that file2 _is_ also recompiled ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file2.lisp. ;;; FOO (FILE-WRITE-DATE ASDF-TEST::FILE2.FASL) => 3682216616 ASDF-TEST::*BEFORE* => 3682216615 Script succeeded Using ecl, test1.script passed Testing: test2.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test2.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test2.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 test2: loading test2b1 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file4.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file4.lisp. ;;; test2: file3 and file4 were compiled test2: loading test2b2 should fail load failed as expected: - Component ASDF/USER::TEST2A does not match version 1.2, required by # test2: loading test2b3 should fail load failed as expected: - Component ASDF/USER::BET-YOU-CANT-FIND-THIS not found, required by # Script succeeded Using ecl, test2.script passed Testing: test3.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test3.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test3.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 should load file1 but not file2 ;;; ;;; Compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=3, Space=0, Speed=2, Debug=3 ;;; ;;; End of Pass 1. ;;; Finished compiling /boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/file1.lisp. ;;; Script succeeded Using ecl, test3.script passed Testing: test8.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test8.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test8.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 got missing-component as expected: - Component SYSTEM-DOES-NOT-EXIST not found Script succeeded Using ecl, test8.script passed Testing: test9.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|test9.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running test9.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 got missing-component-of-version as expected: - Component :TEST-ASDF/TEST9-2 does not match version 2.0, required by # Script succeeded Using ecl, test9.script passed Testing: wild-module.script ecl -norc -load sys:cmp -eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|wild-module.script|))" ;;; Loading #P"/boot/home/ecl/output/lib/ecl-16.1.2/cmp.fas" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/script-support.lisp" ;;; Loading "/boot/home/ecl/asdf/build/fasls/ecl/asdf.fas" Configuring ASDF Enabling debugging Being a bit verbose Comparing directories ASDF-TEST:*TEST-DIRECTORY* and (:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME (NTH-VALUE 2 (:LOCATE-SYSTEM :TEST-ASDF))) both evaluate to same path: #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/" Frob packages Running wild-module.script with ecl-16.1.2-e640ef1c-haiku-x86 ; Registering # ;;; Warning: completing compilation for # completed without its input file #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/*.asd" ;;; Warning: completing load for # completed without its input file #P"/boot/home/ecl/asdf/test/*.asd" Script succeeded Using ecl, wild-module.script passed -#--------------------------------------- Using ecl Ran 60 tests: 53 passing and 7 failing failing test(s): ecl-make-image.script test-bundle.script test-make-build.script test-program.script test-run-program.script test-symlink-loop.script test-xach-update-bug.script -#---------------------------------------