[RFC] subsystems vs. modules

Didier Verna didier at didierverna.net
Wed May 18 09:49:01 UTC 2022

  Hi there,

until now, I had a tendency to split a library into several systems
(more or less without thinking much) as soon as such or such feature was
conditional (e.g. depending on CFFI availability, thread support, etc.).

Now I realize that in many cases, a conditionally included module or
component would suffice, and so I'm starting to think that maybe I
should do that, unless it makes sense for the conditional part to be
loaded sort of standalone, independently from the rest, in which case a
subsystem is more appropriate.

So my question is: WDYT, is there a general recommendation about this?


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info

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