Upgrading/Installation Instructions Clarification

Wilfredo Velazquez zulu.inuoe at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 15:17:23 UTC 2021

I hadn't considered replacing the impl's ASDF this way. It sounds good,
except I do need to remember then that my impl install is 'dirty', and also
need to remember to apply this each time I upgrade or if I use a different
It does give me the idea of customizing my impl's 'require' hook in my
userinit file, however.

This is fine for my purposes since I prefer to isolate my 'builds', I'm
just looking to have ASDF upgraded for my day-to-day dev.

On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 9:51 PM Eric Timmons <etimmons at mit.edu> wrote:

> > On 18 Jan 2021, at 17:37, Wilfredo Velazquez wrote:
> >
> >> To reiterate, I believe that the instructions in
> >> https://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/asdf/Upgrading-ASDF.html
> >> 'Upgrading
> >> ASDF' could use some clarification.
> >>
> >> I am attempting to run a newer version of ASDF than that provided by
> >> my
> >> impl. The text I'm having issue with is:
> >>
> >>> If your implementation already provides ASDF 3 or later (and it
> >>> should),
> >>> but you want a more recent ASDF version than your implementation
> >>> provides,
> >>> then you just need to ensure the more recent ASDF is installed in a
> >>> configured path, like any other system. We recommend you download an
> >>> official tarball or checkout a release from git into
> >>> ~/common-lisp/asdf/.
> >>> Once the source code for ASDF is installed, you don’t need any
> >>> extra step
> >>> to load it beyond the usual (require "asdf"): ASDF 3 will
> >>> automatically
> >>> look whether an updated version of itself is available amongst the
> >>> regularly configured systems, before it compiles anything else.
> Personally I've never really been a fan of installing ASDF this way
> since a) it requires loading ASDF twice: the implementation built-in and
> then the upgrade and b) it requires that ~/common-lisp/ be on ASDF's
> search path (I mess around with CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY envvar quite a bit
> and frequently end up excluding ~/common-lisp/). I tend to replace the
> implementation's built-in version
> <
> https://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/asdf.html#Replacing-your-implementation_0027s-ASDF>.
> But
> do note, I have seen this method occasionally break and I fall back to
> the ~/common-lisp/asdf/ apprach when it does. But I'm pretty sure it
> works in the latest release on at least SBCL, ECL, and CCL.
> > As far as I can tell, if you put a directory tree into `~/common-lisp/`,
> > ASDF will traverse it looking for system definitions, and there is
> > nothing you can do to override this.  I have come to dislike the
> > `~/common-lisp/` solution for this reason.
> That's not quite right. It could definitely be more friendly, but there
> are a few ways to better control it.
> To completely prevent ~/common-lisp/ from being traversed you could put
> an :ignore-inherited-configuration directive somewhere in the
> $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/common-lisp/source-registry.conf. But that approach
> also would prevent the files in
> $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d from being parsed
> (as well as any system level config). It might be nice to allow an
> inheritance config directive to be specified in the configuration
> directory parsing if it isn't already (there's an implicit
> :inherit-configuration tacked on the end of the directory based config).
> Another option is to drop a .cl-source-registry.cache file in
> ~/common-lisp/ or one of the sub directories.
> <https://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/asdf.html#Caching-Results>. ASDF
> will stop recursing if it finds that file and just use the info it
> contains.
> -Eric

Wilfredo Velázquez-Rodríguez
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