Robert Goldman
rpgoldman at
Tue May 5 17:27:30 UTC 2020
On 5 May 2020, at 12:05, Marco Antoniotti wrote:
> At a certain point I needed (I still do) the function
> SYSTEM-INPUT-FILES. I think Fare send me a simple implementation that
> worked on the ASDF version of that time (long ago, I guess). The
> function is the following.
``` lisp
(defun system-input-files (system)
(multiple-value-bind (i o)
(while-collecting (i o)
(loop for (op . comp)
in (plan-actions
(traverse-sub-actions 'load-op (find-system
do (map () #'i (input-files op comp))
(map () #'o (output-files op comp))))
(remove-if #'(lambda (f) (member f o :test 'pathname-equal))
(remove-duplicates i :from-end t :test
So what you need here is the full set of plan actions. You should be
able to get this as follows:
``` lisp
(defun system-input-files (system)
(multiple-value-bind (i o)
(while-collecting (i o)
(loop for (op . comp)
in (plan-actions (make-plan nil (make-operation
'load-op) (find-system system)))
do (map () #'i (input-files op comp))
(map () #'o (output-files op comp))))
(remove-if #'(lambda (f) (member f o :test 'pathname-equal))
(remove-duplicates i :from-end t :test
`make-plan` will give you what you need to call `plan-actions` on in
place of `traverse-sub-actions`.
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