How to debug finding files

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at
Tue Nov 26 17:20:13 UTC 2019

On 26 Nov 2019, at 6:18, Andreas Davour wrote:

> Hi
> I've read the manual on how asdf finds the files to load, i.e. the asd 
> files. But, if you want to follow along when it does that calculation, 
> in case it goes wrong, how do you do that?
> I seem to remember this being posted to the list ages back, but have 
> no way of searching that history.

Some time ago, Faré offered this advice:

> You can
> `(alexandria:hash-table-alist 
> asdf/source-registry::*source-registry*)`

> or for a higher-level view, you can
> `(asdf/source-registry:flatten-source-registry)`

> then again, if you use the newfangled source-registry-cache, you can
> `find ~/common-lisp -name .cl-source-registry.cache`

> I'm not sure what you want to debug, so it's hard to tell how to help 
> you.

> Also, behavior wrt recursing or not into directory symlinks is not 
> consistent from one implementation to the next, so beware.

I have long had it on my todo list to provide better debugging, notably 
by making it possible for users to trace relevant functions and see what 
goes on while the configuration DSL is being interpreted, and perhaps 
also adding logging.  However, when I look at the code, this is 
difficult to do without restructuring, because a lot of the key 
functions are not named.

I would be happy to work with you if you would like to add such 
facilities.  However, I don't have any active CL work right now to 
support such an effort, so I am not in a position to do this on my own.

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