Introspecting test suite passing/failing

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at
Wed Jun 6 19:08:00 UTC 2018

Will you please send me the example (with ancillary files), so that I 
can see exactly what's going wrong?

Most of my actual systems reverted to using
(asdf:load-system "fiveam-asdf")
in the `.asd` file, because I didn't know about the keyword trick, so I 
haven't tested it extensively.

Also, I tend *not* to use the `ASDF/USER` package, but instead be old 
school and make a package for each `.asd` file.


On 6 Jun 2018, at 13:45, Mark Evenson wrote:

>> On Jun 6, 2018, at 19:14, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman at> wrote:
> […]
>> If you get a chance, can you eyeball [my example code to try to use 
>> FIVEAM-ASDF][2] to tell me if that looks like the correct usage?
>> [2]: 
>> Various versions of ASDF-3.1.x (SBCL, CCL, ABCL) are failing with 
>> problems about symbols:
>> Error while trying to load definition for system
>> fiveam-asdf-example from pathname
>> /Users/evenson/work/asdf-test-harness/eg/fiveam-asdf-example.asd:
>> name-conflicts in #<PACKAGE "ASDF/USER"> between the
>> following symbols:
>> I had problems like this, too -- it's because of the fact that when 
>> the defsystem form is first read, before the :defsystem-depends-on is 
>> loaded, the symbol named "FIVEAM-TESTER-SYSTEM" gets interned in 
>> ASDF/USER and then when it's later exported from ASDF/INTERFACE (used 
>> by ASDF/USER) it collides with the earlier-read symbol.
>> I believe that the correct fix for this is to use any new symbols 
>> (like fiveam-tester-system) in the keyword package, so
>> :class :fiveam-tester-system
>> and then when the defsystem form is processed after the defsystem 
>> dependencies (in this case, fiveam-asdf), ASDF will look for keyword 
>> symbols in the current package.
>> Give that a try and see if it fixes your problem.
> Unfortunately, it doesn’t help to specify a keyword, but one gets a 
> new error:
> Error while trying to load definition for system
> asdf-test-harness-example from pathname
> /Users/evenson/work/asdf-test-harness/eg/asdf-test-harness-example.asd:
>    The following symbols need to be imported to #<Package 
> "ASDF/INTERFACE"> before they can be exported
>  from that package:
> I think with some futzing around with EVAL-WHEN around EXPORT 
> statements we can get this to work.
> I’m coming to the end of my day with a Common Lisp Foundation board 
> meeting, so I will probably get back to this tomorrow.
> best,
> Mark
> -- 
> "A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before but there 
> is nothing
> to compare to it now."
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