Timing compilation

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.info
Wed Dec 5 16:26:24 UTC 2018

On 5 Dec 2018, at 10:04, Didier Verna wrote:

> "Robert Goldman" <rpgoldman at sift.info> écrivait:
>> Depending on the host lisp you are using, couldn't you wrap the calls
>> to COMPILE-FILE and LOAD in code that times those operation?
>   I could, but since I want per-library numbers, I would need to
>   reconstruct that information afterwards...

Yes, I am afraid that is correct.

This is yet another problem that comes from the fact that the build 
plans are linear, instead of hierarchical -- for example there's no 
subsequence that is identifiable as being the set of operations for a 
particular `module`.

Logically speaking, there's a tree structure in the build process that 
is what you need, but I don't believe that there are any facilities in 
ASDF to recover that tree structure.

This may be the best you can do.

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