"strict-mode" ASDF

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.net
Wed Mar 15 18:24:32 UTC 2017

On 3/15/17 Mar 15 -12:05 PM, Daniel Kochmański wrote:
> I think it's controlled by *COMPILE-FILE-FAILURE-BEHAVIOUR* and
> *COMPILE-FILE-WARNINGS-BEHAVIOUR* both taking as value one of :WARN,
> Robert Goldman writes:
>> What is the proper way to make ASDF fail on ANY warning (including
>> STYLE-WARNINGs)?  I thought I knew how to do this, but I'm having
>> trouble making it work, possible because of the DEFERRED-WARNINGS.
>> Thx,
>> r

Hm.  These seem unpleasingly global.  I have a case where I have a
system that I want to compile in a strict way -- I want to know by
having a failure if there is any warning in my build.  BUT... my system
depends on an upstream library that has warnings in its build.

What I really would like is to catch the issues only in building my
system, but I think that ASDF may be grabbing up style warnings and
having its own way with them.


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