Testing new ASDF

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 13:24:27 UTC 2017

The five failures were 3 separate bugs in ASDF due to changes that
broke #+ecl code that I hadn't tested recently in the plan branch.
They are now fixed.

Now ECL passes all these tests... but since I upgraded ECL to the
latest from git (branch develop), test-run-program-unix has started
failing with: "The function :STOPPED is undefined." in the
terminate-process tests. I suspect an ECL bug. The test passes with
ECL 16.1.3 (release tarball) from NixOS or 15.3.7 (also release I
suppose) from Ubuntu.

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org
(map()(lambda(x)(format t"~31R "x))'(595756 9556552524 643802 496307950))

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 1:43 AM, Daniel Kochmański <daniel at turtleware.eu> wrote:
> I don't think this is a case unless ASDF calls new ECL process itself. AFAIR
> ECL doesn't call itself anywhere (except `make check` target in build
> process, but that's by design).
> Regards,
> Daniel
> On 21.07.2017 03:01, Robert Goldman wrote:
>> On 7/20/17 Jul 20 -7:00 PM, Robert Goldman wrote:
>>> Our new version of ASDF has 5 failures for me on Linux, testing against
>>> the master branch.
>>> Is that what I should be testing, or should I be testing against the dev
>>> branch?
>>> The tests which are failing are:
>>> ecl-make-image.script ecl-prebuilt-systems.script test-bundle.script
>>> test-program.script test-require.script
>>> Thanks,
>>> r
>> Quick follow-up: Fare suspects that what might be happening is that ECL
>> is spawning a sub-process that gets the built-in ASDF instead of the one
>> that we loaded.  Is there any chance that is what's happening? If so,
>> any idea how to ensure that if one upgrades the ASDF in an image, one
>> gets the same ASDF version in all ECL processes started by that image?

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