MKCL fails when non-erroneous condition is signaled

Faré fahree at
Fri Jul 21 07:00:02 UTC 2017

On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 10:23 PM, Jean-Claude Beaudoin
<jean.claude.beaudoin at> wrote:
> Looking at the most probable source of this message (in src/lsp/cmdline.lsp)
> I am a bit puzzled by the situation...
> Please, reassure me on the exact version of MKCL you're using: 1.1.10-???

> And how do you invoke MKCL to get this result (command line arguments)?
Using the "plan" branch on
cd .../asdf
make t l=mkcl

> Do you have handy a small scenario to reproduce this problem?
mkcl -eval "(progn (define-condition foo (condition) ()) (signal 'foo))"

NB: at the REPL, this form correctly evaluates to NIL without an error.

>> I believe it's a bug in MKCL, maybe specifically in command line
>> processing.
>> Can you fix it?
> Looks more like a ill-advised feature than a bug, that I can surely
> fix/improve
> to better satisfaction. I am investigating...
Definitely a bug. Only serious-condition's should cause mkcl to abort
if unhandled.

>> Should I add some backward compatibility for older versions of MKCL,
>> or is it superfluous?
> Not sure yet. I'll tell you with the fix.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
Perhaps those of us who care about quality programs have not spoken up often
enough — `for bad programs to triumph requires only that good programmers
remain silent.' I call this passivity the `Silence of the Lambdas.' — hbaker

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