Testing new ASDF

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.net
Fri Jul 21 01:01:51 UTC 2017

On 7/20/17 Jul 20 -7:00 PM, Robert Goldman wrote:
> Our new version of ASDF has 5 failures for me on Linux, testing against
> the master branch.
> Is that what I should be testing, or should I be testing against the dev
> branch?
> The tests which are failing are:
> ecl-make-image.script ecl-prebuilt-systems.script test-bundle.script
> test-program.script test-require.script
> Thanks,
> r

Quick follow-up: Fare suspects that what might be happening is that ECL
is spawning a sub-process that gets the built-in ASDF instead of the one
that we loaded.  Is there any chance that is what's happening? If so,
any idea how to ensure that if one upgrades the ASDF in an image, one
gets the same ASDF version in all ECL processes started by that image?

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