lispworks patch

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at
Wed Aug 30 23:47:39 UTC 2017

On 8/30/17 Aug 30 -4:33 PM, Robert Goldman wrote:
> On 8/30/17 Aug 30 -2:36 PM, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In latest ASDF, the function #’sys:pid-exit-status is used for LispWorks 6 and early versions, but I found this symbol doesn’t have a bounded function at all:
>> CL-USER 1 > (describe 'sys:pid-exit-status)
>> NAME          "PID-EXIT-STATUS"
>> VALUE         #<unbound value>
>> FUNCTION      #<unbound function>
>> PLIST         NIL
>> PACKAGE       #<The SYSTEM package, 6625/8192 internal, 1277/2048 external>
>> In LispWorks 7.0, it’s even not an external symbol.  On the other side, the function #’sys:pipe-exit-status exists since at least LispWorks 5.1.2, I think it should be used for all LispWorks versions, not just 7.
>> The function #’sys:pipe-pid used in another ASDF function, exists since LispWorks 6.1, but ASDF only use it for LispWorks after 7.0.  I don’t know if this could cause any potential problem in LispWorks 6.1, but I guess there’s no problem calling it also in 6.1.
>> Basically I don’t know the purpose of these function calls, no actually tests were done. Use the patch with cautions … just calling non-exist functions are definitely wrong.
> I'll try this with LW 7, to be sure, then if it works for you I'll push it.
> Thank you very much for catching this!

Worked for me on LW 7, so if this works on LW 6, I'll merge it.


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