test status

Elias Pipping pipping.elias at icloud.com
Thu Nov 17 19:21:51 UTC 2016

> On 17 Nov 2016, at 19:55, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman at sift.net> wrote:
> I show passing all tests on Mac and Linux, failing test-require
> and test-run-program on ECL bytecodes on Windows.
> test-require is a long-standing ECL bug on Windows that Jason Miller has
> confirmed.  There's a bug report in to ECL, so we don't have to worry
> about this.
> test-run-program shows a failure on run-program with a string argument
> versus with a list argument.
> Attaching a snippet of the transcript.  I'd like to get this either
> fixed or dismissed as an ECL problem before we release.
> Cheers,
> R
> <ecl-bytecodes-run-program.txt>

Thanks, Robert.

The test-run-program issue is a regression. And I must’ve introduced it with


which relied on


I would’ve expected that to work after reading


but apparently I’m missing something. The simplest solution that will make things work again is to restrict the use of launch-program in %system further: Not just to recent versions but also to unix. That’ll give us a regression-free release. I’d much rather understand this quoting problem you mentioned in your other mail though and why this test would trigger it. The switch to launch-program in %system is what gives us reliable interactive output after all, and I’d prefer to have that on windows, too.


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