maintaining non-Lisp systems with ASDF

Robert Dodier robert.dodier at
Fri Sep 25 00:41:28 UTC 2015

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 2:39 PM, Faré <fahree at> wrote:

> What you really need to do is:

Thanks, I will take a look at that. It is working well enough for the
moment, but I will circle back later to polish it up.

I have a question now about how to ensure that the :maxima-file
component type is defined before it is used. Let's say I have foo.asd
which has :maxima-file components. Ideally I would like to simply say
(asdf:load-system :foo) without having to load the maxima-file
definition before. It occurred to me to put (defsystem foo :depends-on
("maxima-file") ...) and move the :maxima-file stuff into another
system. But that doesn't work, of course, because :maxima-file is not
yet defined before the :foo system is parsed, and I get an error about
:maxima-file being unrecognized.

I can put (load-system :maxima-file) before (defsystem foo ...) and
then it works OK. I'm happy that it works, but it seems a little messy
to me -- there are now two kinds of dependencies, one kind that has to
be loaded before the defsystem, and the other after ...

It's not a big deal, but can anyone think of a way to move the
maxima-file dependency back into the :depends-on list?

Thanks for your help,

Robert Dodier

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