Almost there

Faré fahree at
Sun Jul 12 18:17:17 UTC 2015

On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman at> wrote:
> This sounds like a good point.  Should we do this in the cover letter,
> the changelog, manual, or some combination?
> My guess is that relatively few people actually upgrade their ASDFs in
> place -- most just get ASDF from their implementation.  But that's not
> an excuse for making them miserable.
> Faré, do you have a sentence about the change in location that I could use?
What about this?

"If you are using Windows and taking advantage of the default search
path for the configuration and/or source-registry, then mind that this
path has just changed in incompatible ways. If you have configuration
files, you may have to move or copy them from
$LOCALAPPDATA/common-lisp/config/ to
$LOCALAPPDATA/config/common-lisp/. Meanwhile your cache will be moved
from $LOCALAPPDATA/common-lisp/cache/ to
$LOCALAPPDATA/cache/common-lisp/. However, you should not have to move
your source code, still in subdirectories of

NB: I have not used Windows, and if any Windows user actually relies
on ASDF configuration, double-checking would be great.

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
You may call yourself athiest, but I'm athier than you are!

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