Bug in Allegro 10 preview -- Was Re: Tests failing on Allegro 10 preview, Mac OS X

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 17:18:22 UTC 2015

> Because I'm not an ASDF developer and know little of it, I was hoping
> for a test case that involved primarily ACL, or someone to finger what
> in ACL (or ASDF) is causing the problem.  Sorry I wasn't more clear.
Here's a reduced test case.

(load (compile-file "al10bug.lisp"))

;;; al10bug.lisp
(defparameter *result* nil)

(defun two-optionals (&optional (o1 :default1) (o2 :default2))
  (format t "TWO-OPTIONALS ~S ~S~%" o1 o2)
  (setf *result* (if (equal o1 :parameter) :success :failure))
  #'(lambda (x) o2))

(trace two-optionals)

(two-optionals :parameter)

(format t "TEST ~A~%" *result*)

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org
When communists say "to each man according to his needs", remember they
established just how low these needs are, by founding concentration camps.

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