manual version

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at
Tue Apr 7 15:43:50 UTC 2015

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert P Goldman <rpgoldman at> writes:

    Robert> Mark Evenson wrote:
    >> On 3/24/15 03:12, Robert P. Goldman wrote:
    >>> DJ wrote:
    >>>> How do I know whether the asdf manual I am looking at matches the
    >>>> version of asdf I have installed?
    >>> Seems like we should encourage the implementations to make the manual
    >>> available to their users.
    >> ABCL has [always included the manual in the source distribution][1].
    >> Would you also like it in the binary distribution?
    >> [1]:

    Robert> That sounds like a good idea, as long as it's not to much trouble.

Cmucl doesn't supply the asdf manual, but I will add it for the next


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