[Asdf-devel] clisp test failure

Robert P. Goldman rpgoldman at sift.info
Thu Oct 9 15:19:40 UTC 2014

Here's what RUN-PROGRAM gets for arguments:

   "-norc" "--quiet" "--quiet" "-ansi" "-I" "-on-error" "exit" "-x"
   "(uiop:restore-image :entry-point 'hello:entry-point
:lisp-interaction nil)")
1. Trace: RUN-PROGRAM ==> ("[4]> hello, world"), NIL, 0

What happens at the command line agrees with that:
-norc --quiet -ansi -I -on-error exit -x "(uiop:restore-image
:entry-point 'hello:entry-point :lisp-interaction nil)"
[4]> hello, world

Maybe the error is in UIOP:RESTORE-IMAGE:
-norc --quiet -ansi -I -on-error exit
[1]> (hello:entry-point)
hello, world
...because just calling the entry-point function does not yield the "[4]
>" prompt.

Unfortunately, neither removing :lisp-interaction nil nor --quiet lets
me see what's actually happening inside clisp here.

By the way, the "-I" argument here means "be ilisp friendly." Removing
this seems to give happier results:

-norc -ansi -on-error exit -x "(uiop:restore-image :entry-point
hello, world

Why is that argument there?

And why is this working for you?

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