[Asdf-devel] Test results

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.net
Sun May 4 15:56:04 UTC 2014

On Linux all the tests passed.

On Mac, though, test-all-no-stop crashed:

/bin/sh: command substitution: line 0: syntax error near unexpected
token `newline'
/bin/sh: command substitution: line 0: `for i in
build/results/*-upgrade.text ; do case "$(tail -1 < $i)" in "Upgrade
test succeeded for "*'
Unexpected upgrade failures on these implementations:
 ;; 	*) echo  ; esac ; done)
make[2]: *** [check-all-upgrade-results] Error 1

This looks like a bug in the Makefile to me.

I'm off for a while now; hope to look into this later.


Robert P. Goldman
Staff Scientist
Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC)

319 1st Ave N., Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Voice:    (612) 326-3934
Email:    rpgoldman at SIFT.net

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