[Asdf-devel] [asdf-devel] Make the CL syntax predictable

Anton Vodonosov avodonosov at yandex.ru
Sun Mar 30 13:51:05 UTC 2014

29.03.2014, 19:09, "Attila Lendvai" <attila.lendvai at gmail.com>:
>>  We can provide new, improved functionality without breaking anything.
>>  And keep old systems working forever with new ASDF.
> "forever" is a very strong word Anton. e.g. if CL doesn't fade into
> the category of history in 10 years, meaning that a significant number
> of people will still use it to develop new software, then i'll be both
> surprised and disappointed.

I know people who work with PL/I till now; and even more people who use C++.
I don't worry about CL in 10 years.

But that's all off-topic for asdf-devel

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