[asdf-devel] Make the CL syntax predictable

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Sun Mar 16 06:22:11 UTC 2014

> The clean thing to do would be to use named-readtables and/or
> cl-syntax, and have each file evaluate (in-readtable :foo) or have a
> perform :around method or around-compile hook that does it for you.


> Without ASDF, there's no way the libraries will be safe by default.

well, there is, but it's not trivial, so most will not take the extra
effort required:

FTR, from hu.dwim.common we ended up shadowing cl:in-package in all
our projects and added an internal mapping from package to
readtable-setup-function (using a custom package definer that knows
about readtables).

our hu.dwim.common:in-package also sets the readtable and expects that
our hu.dwim.asdf systems rebinds a copy of *readtabe* around compiling
and loading.

in a hu.dwim.common+swank integration system (or in one of those...)
Slime is also notified about the readtables, so C-c C-c works as

i'd be happy if all this web of complexity could move out of our repos
and into the environment, where it simultaneously becomes much simpler

in short, i agree with Fare on this.

> But polluting arbitrary systems loaded after you is definitely a bad
> idea:

yes, projects sideffecting *readtable* was annoying me quite a lot,
and i've sent around my set of patches to a few projects that did
that, including none other than iterate itself.

> based on a general-purpose "each system has a set of private
> variables" protocol.

i don't have a strong opinion on this, but after some consideration we
went with another protocol that is based on functions that modify a
readtable that is given to them, which is much more flexible. not
sure/don't remember whether this extra flexibility was actually
needed, though. maybe it was needed for some combination of multiple
syntaxes set up at the same time...

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“The Atheist does not say "there is no god", but he says "I do not
know what you mean by god; I am without the idea of god; the word god
is to me a sound conveying no clear or distinct affirmation. I do not
deny god, because I cannot deny that of which I have no conception and
the conception of which by its affirmer is so imperfect that he is
unable to define it to me.”
	— Charles Bradlaugh  (1833–1891), 'National Review' (1883–11–25)

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