[asdf-devel] One failure on ASDF on Allegro/Windows

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 19:29:37 UTC 2014

Dear Dave,

>> The test-touch-system-1.script I'm not sure I understand.
>> Is it a case where your filesystem doesn't have second-granularity
>> timestamps but only minute-granularity timestamp?
> What is a good way to test that?
Can you run this code?

make load l=clisp

(in-package :uiop)
 (with-temporary-file (:pathname p))
 (flet ((foo ()
          (delete-file-if-exists p)
          (with-output-file (s p) (println "Hello" s))
          (prog1 (file-write-date p)
            (delete-file-if-exists p)))))
 (let ((first-date (foo)))
   (sleep 1))
 (let ((second-date (foo)))
   (sleep 1))
 (let ((third-date (foo))))
 (list (- third-date second-date) (- second-date first-date)))

If the answer is (1 1), you have second granularity.
If it's either (0 60) or (60 0), you have minute granularity.

>> Further clisp bugs look like they are failures to explicitly call
>> CMD.EXE while doing redirections.
>> Call you add #+clisp (trace ext:shell ext:run-program
>> uiop/run-program:%system) to test-run-program.script
>> and run it again?

> here is the output for clisp with the above trace directive in place:
>   https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19667598/clisp-test-
No, you ran this test today, but it uses, and the test
doesn't trace the requested functions. You might have run it from a
different directory than you extracted the asdf code. Please try again
with the latest ASDF ( or whatever).

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