[asdf-devel] Regression on Allegro Common Lisp

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 22:52:55 UTC 2013

I committed more or less the change Dave suggested.

You are in a maze of subtly incompatible implementation buglets, all

All that because the standard tried to compromise between incompatible
implementations, instead of (1) mandating some standardized 1-1 access to
the underlying OS, and (2) standardizing on constructions on top of that or
parametric abstractions from that. So instead of having well-defined tools
(that may not be a complete solution indeed), we have horribly undefined
tools (that still may not be a complete solution, and now actually cannot

And so, instead of having two standard APIs, one for Windows and one for
Unix, on top of which to build robust things, we have thirty-odd different
APIs, all of them incompatible,
none of them reasonably standard.

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
 If you could ask a unique question to a computer during a Turing test,
what would you ask?
        — Douglas Hofstadter, Metamagical Themas

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Dave Cooper <david.cooper at genworks.com>wrote:

> In asdf-pathname-test.script, in function test-file, L126, changing:
>   :rename-and-delete
> to:
>   #+(and sbcl os-windows) :rename-and-delete
>   #-(and sbcl os-windows) :supsersede
> seems to resolve the issue. This :supersede was changed to
> :rename-and-delete last night in order to make SBCL/Windows work.
> Originally this was :supersede.
> I don't know if this is a real solution or if we should look for a deeper
> fix which allows leaving it unconditionally as :rename-and-delete.
> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Dave Cooper <david.cooper at genworks.com>wrote:
>> I can replicate this on Linux as well, with both mlisp and alisp.
>> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman at sift.info>wrote:
>>> I pulled an update this afternoon, and now on ACL 9.0 on Mac OS X I get
>>> a failure on  asdf-pathname-test.script
>>> I get an error as follows:
>>> Above backtrace due to this condition:
>>> attempt to take the length of a non-sequence: :UNSPECIFIC
>>> I get an enormous backtrace, but this is I think the direct call that
>>> gets an error:
>>> (LET
>>>     ((STREAM
>>>       (OPEN
>>>                ASDF-PATHNAME-TEST::FILE)
>>>               :DIRECTION
>>>               :OUTPUT
>>>               :IF-EXISTS
>>>               :RENAME-AND-DELETE
>>>               :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST
>>>               :ERROR)))
>>>      (#12=#:WITH-OPEN-FILE-ABORT-398 . #61=(T)))
>>>       (SETQ #12# . #58=(NIL)))
>>> More as I find out more.
>>> Best,
>>> r
>> --
>> My Best,
>> Dave Cooper, Genworks Support
>> david.cooper at genworks.com, dave.genworks.com(skype)
>> USA: 248-327-3253(o), 1-248-330-2979(mobile)
>> UK: 0191 645 1699
> --
> My Best,
> Dave Cooper, Genworks Support
> david.cooper at genworks.com, dave.genworks.com(skype)
> USA: 248-327-3253(o), 1-248-330-2979(mobile)
> UK: 0191 645 1699
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