[asdf-devel] New failures on Allegro Windows

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.net
Tue Oct 15 02:16:31 UTC 2013

These "ok 1" errors look deeply mystifying to me, since the two strings
look quite similar to me.  Is it that run-program echo is somehow
causing whitespace between "ok" and "1" to disappear?  What *is* that
whitespace?  Just spaces, or are there tabs involved?

Looking at test-run-program.script, it looks like there should always be
only 1 space between "ok" and "1", but in the transcripts below there
seem to be multiple additional spaces.  Even the fixed "ok 1" string
literal in the file seems to be picking up some spaces.

Is this a bug in your email program or something more deeply weird?

Also, would you please let us know which tests failed?  I *assume*
test-run-program, but having the titles would be helpful.


Dave Cooper wrote:
> With latest pull (with I'm getting one failure on mlisp
> windows and two on alisp windows (a few pulls ago, alisp windows was
> passing all tests and mlisp was unknown but apparently failing several
> which are apparently all fixed now, because the one mlisp failure does
> not appear casemode related):
> ===========
> mlisp:
> Above backtrace due to this condition:
> These two expressions fail comparison with equal:
>  "ok  1" evaluates to "ok  1"
>  (asdf-test::dewindowize (uiop/run-program:run-program "echo ok  1"
> :output :line)) evaluates to "ok 1"
> Script failed
> <The Lisp process exited with status 1 (0x1)>
> ===========
> alisp:
> Above backtrace due to this condition:
> These two expressions fail comparison with equal:
>  "ok  1" evaluates to "ok  1"
>  (asdf-test::dewindowize (uiop/run-program:run-program "echo ok  1"
> :output :line)) evaluates to "ok 1"
> Script failed
> <The Lisp process exited with status 1 (0x1)>
> Above backtrace due to this condition:
> These two expressions fail comparison with EQUAL:
> evaluates to ((:COMPILING :SYSTEM))
> Script failed
> <The Lisp process exited with status 1 (0x1)>

Robert P. Goldman
Principal Scientist
Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC)

211 N. First St., Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Voice:    (612) 326-3934
Email:    rpgoldman at SIFT.net

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