[asdf-devel] New issue with tests

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.net
Mon Oct 21 22:35:08 UTC 2013

Faré wrote:
> Do you get any output?
> We heavily modified run-tests.sh to be more robust with the way
> Windows implementations (fil to) parse command-line arguments;
> test-run-program has taken a beating, and the new
> test-stamp-propagation has never worked well on ABCL. Maybe we somehow
> broke something on ABCL?
> In any case, on Linux x64, with the latest git checkout
> 27ee1d765b893c1765af7bf383fa7f9cb4b27590 I get no error with ABCL:
> Using abcl
> Ran 48 tests:
>   48 passing and 0 failing
> all tests apparently successful

I *think* this is a make problem, not a problem with the abcl output.
As you will see below, I get output and all the tests seem to pass
successfully.  But after the abcl tests pass, make does not complete and
exit.  Instead, it just hangs.

> On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman at sift.net> wrote:
>> Now when I run the tests with
>> make test-all-no-upgrade
>> I get to the end of the test process and I am left with:
>> -#---------------------------------------
>> Using abcl
>> Ran 48 tests:
>>   48 passing and 0 failing
>> all tests apparently successful
>> -#---------------------------------------
>> ./test/run-tests.sh -c abcl
>> at this point, make hangs until I interrupt it with ^C.
>> Is it possible that I have messed up the way I conditionalized the
>> test-bundle.script file?
>> What I did was add this:
>> #+(or abcl ecl)
>> (leave-test "Bundle test doesn't work on Mac on this lisp." 0)
>> in my working copy.  Could that be causing this hang?
>> thanks,
>> r

Robert P. Goldman
Principal Scientist
Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC)

211 N. First St., Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Voice:    (612) 326-3934
Email:    rpgoldman at SIFT.net

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