[asdf-devel] Buggy release

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Thu May 16 17:57:15 UTC 2013

Oh shit, that's right: it uses version-satisfies instead of version<=
(which didn't exist at the time), and of course, 3.0.0 doesn't satisfy 2.26
because of the major version mismatch. Ouch.

One solution would be that quicklisp be patched to accept asdf if #+asdf3
or (member :asdf3 *features*). Another solution that quicklisp itself be
updated to use asdf3 and possibly version<= rather than version-satisfies,
or not: I've added a minor version number that allows to have version "branches"
that don't involve a new major version number.

The last solution would be that ASDF be stuck forever
in using 2 as its major version number.
Maybe I should have done just that,
because that's the only 100% backward compatible way.
Then I should promptly rename ASDF 3.0.0 into ASDF 2.34.0 or some such.

I don't like any of these solutions, and I feel stupid
for not thinking about it earlier.

Xach, any comment?

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Most people think they need a ruler. Perhaps we should give them a fake
one that doesn't actually do anything, and then they won't think about
it. It is sort of like giving an infant a pacifier. — Perry Metzger

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 1:19 PM, Stelian Ionescu <sionescu at cddr.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 12:54 -0400, Faré wrote:
>> Works for me on asdf 3.0.0 and the latest sbcl on linux/x64
>> Did you use make to build a new asdf.lisp?
>> Is there an old asdf.fasl polluting the build? Which version is it from?
>> You can load it manually then query (asdf:asdf-version).
> I figured out what's happening: I load ASDF before quicklisp, and
> quicklisp doesn't recognize "3.0.0" as being recent enough so it tries
> to load 2.26 which fails during upgrade.
> --
> Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix
> Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
> http://common-lisp.net/project/iolib

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