[asdf-devel] Buggy release

Zach Beane xach at xach.com
Thu May 16 17:59:37 UTC 2013

Faré <fahree at gmail.com> writes:

> Oh shit, that's right: it uses version-satisfies instead of version<=
> (which didn't exist at the time), and of course, 3.0.0 doesn't satisfy 2.26
> because of the major version mismatch. Ouch.
> One solution would be that quicklisp be patched to accept asdf if #+asdf3
> or (member :asdf3 *features*). Another solution that quicklisp itself be
> updated to use asdf3 and possibly version<= rather than version-satisfies,
> or not: I've added a minor version number that allows to have version "branches"
> that don't involve a new major version number.
> The last solution would be that ASDF be stuck forever
> in using 2 as its major version number.
> Maybe I should have done just that,
> because that's the only 100% backward compatible way.
> Then I should promptly rename ASDF 3.0.0 into ASDF 2.34.0 or some such.
> I don't like any of these solutions, and I feel stupid
> for not thinking about it earlier.
> Xach, any comment?

What about making version-satisfies return t?


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