[asdf-devel] component-load-dependencies

Didier Verna didier at lrde.epita.fr
Wed Jun 26 15:38:26 UTC 2013

Faré <fahree at gmail.com> wrote:

> what are you *really* trying to do?

  Really, trying to get the same thing that component-load-dependencies
  gives me, but as component objects instead of names.

> Usually, one wants to get a list of components within a system.
> Then, one typically uses required-components, e.g. like this (YMMV):
>   (asdf:required-components (asdf:find-system :fare-utils)
> :component-type '(not asdf:system) :keep-operation 'asdf:load-op
> :keep-component 'asdf:source-file)

  That's the opposite of what I want. It seems that
  component-load-dependencies gets me all the (direct) things a
  component depends on (for loading). That may be implicit in an ASDF
  system description if :serial t is used, or explicit with a :depend-on
  declaration. This is exactly what I want, but as objects, not names.

> If you *really* want to walk the dependencies by yourself, use
> asdf/plan:visit-dependencies.  There are also functions
> map-direct-dependencies, reduce-direct-dependencies,
> direct-dependencies that you may want to use instead. More often than
> not, it's a bad idea, though.  Most of the time, if you need to go
> under the hood, it is better to manually use traverse-action
> traverse-actions traverse-sub-actions with your choice of plan, e.g. a
> sequential-plan or filtered-sequential-plan.

  All of this is way beyond me.

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