[asdf-devel] Re: Tiny patch for cmucl print-herald

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 17:13:30 UTC 2013

>>>>> "Fare" == Far  <Far> writes:

    Fare> In this case, either dump-image should accept separate :executable and
    Fare> :standalone arguments, and/or use :executable executable on CMUCL, and
    Fare> :init-function restore-image
    Fare> only when standalone. Backward compatibility is a bitch, whereby
    Fare> :executable should default to T where practical, and :standalone
    Fare> default to executable where executable-p. Ugh. I hate backward
    >> As it stands now, it seems that with cmucl only executable images can
    >> be created.  That seems not right.
    >> I'm willing to break backward compatibility for asdf and cmucl,
    >> in this one case. :-)  I doubt many people use executable images; I
    >> rarely do and when I do it's mostly for testing.
    Fare> dump-image was initially stolen from cl-launch, which for
    Fare> cross-implementation compatibility reasons and simplification in user
    Fare> experience *really* prefers having to deal with only one file, i.e. an
    Fare> executable image, than having to deal with many, e.g. an executable
    Fare> and separate core.

    Fare> Why can't cmucl use the correct gcc -m32, etc., flags, that will make
    Fare> it work out of the box on ubuntu, etc.?

I'll have to check, but I'm pretty sure it uses gcc -m32.  Of course,
this only works if you have the 32-bit development environment
installed.  I suspect most people don't, including you.  It works for
me, but I have the 32-bit dev environment installed so I can build


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