[asdf-devel] News on the front

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 17:26:51 UTC 2013

>>>>> "Fare" == Far  <Far> writes:

    Fare> Dear Lisp hackers, I've completed yet another major pass of
    Fare> refactoring of ASDF.  It is now divided into many files,
    Fare> that are concatenated together for single-file delivery.
    Fare> (An idea that I once rejected when James Anderson proposed
    Fare> it 3 years ago; he might have known better. The file has
    Fare> more than quadrupled in size since.)  From a pristine git
    Fare> checkout, you can concatenate them from the command-line
    Fare> with
    Fare>    make build/asdf.lisp
    Fare> or from lisp with a recent bootstrapped asdf.lisp with
    Fare>    (asdf:operate 'asdf::concatenate-source-op
    Fare>    :generate-asdf)

Is the plan that asdf is still delivered as one giant file or will it
eventually move to being delivered as multiple files?

Just curious.


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