[asdf-devel] OS X test results on latest ASDF

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.info
Fri Oct 21 19:56:07 UTC 2011

Ran 35 tests:
  35 passing and 0 failing
all tests apparently successful

Using alisp -q -batch
Ran 35 tests:
  35 passing and 0 failing
all tests apparently successful

Using mlisp -q -batch
Ran 35 tests:
  35 passing and 0 failing
all tests apparently successful

Using /Users/rpg/ccl/dx86cl64 --no-init --quiet --batch
Ran 35 tests:
  35 passing and 0 failing
all tests apparently successful

Using clisp -norc -ansi -I  -on-error exit
Ran 35 tests:
  35 passing and 0 failing
all tests apparently successful

Using ecl -norc -load sys:cmp
Ran 35 tests:
  34 passing and 1 failing
failing test(s):  run-shell-command-test.script

Using sbcl --noinform --userinit /dev/null --sysinit /dev/null
Ran 35 tests:
  35 passing and 0 failing
all tests apparently successful

I.e., only ECL is failing any of the scripts.  That's actually more a
bug with my test --- ECL will never be able to capture STDERR.  Attached
is a proposed test modification.


P.S. I have a dead-simple perl script that cycles through a configurable
set of lisp impementations, running all the tests.  If I can get it
tidied, I will make it publicly available.

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Name: 0001-Modify-to-reflect-the-fact-that-ECL-cannot-capture-S.patch
URL: <https://mailman.common-lisp.net/pipermail/asdf-devel/attachments/20111021/c48bf6ea/attachment.ksh>

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