[asdf-devel] Which are the highest-maintenance CL implementations?

Anton Vodonosov avodonosov at yandex.ru
Mon Nov 28 22:47:19 UTC 2011

29.11.2011, 01:50, "Faré" <fahree at gmail.com>:
>>  grep '#[-+]' asdf.lisp > /tmp/a
>>  for i (abcl allegro clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl gcl genera
>>  lispworks mcl sbcl scl xcl) { echo "$(grep -c $i < /tmp/a) $i" } |
>>  sort -nr
> What makes me sad here is that I used *shell*, not Lisp, to write
> those two comands...

The Guard of Border said: "Everyone strive for happiness. Only he [the wise] sees integrity of imperfect." 

"Integrity of imperfect"... Good words.

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