[asdf-devel] asdf loading the same system twice?

Nikodemus Siivola nikodemus at random-state.net
Sat Nov 19 14:05:09 UTC 2011


Using quicklisp-installed libraries -- (ql:quickload "linedit"):

1. rm -rf ~/.cache/common-lisp

2. sbcl --no-userinit

3. (let ((quicklisp-init (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp"
    (when (probe-file quicklisp-init)
     (load quicklisp-init)))

4. (asdf:load-system :linedit)

Observe that Alexandria is compiled and loaded twice. Once as a
dependency of CFFI-GROVEL, once as a dependency of Linedit.


 -- Nikodemus

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