[asdf-devel] ASDF2: run-shell-command for clisp: what is the correct :output?

Sam Steingold sds at gnu.org
Tue Feb 22 20:27:17 UTC 2011

> * Mirko Vukovic <zvexb.ihxbivp at tznvy.pbz> [2011-02-21 21:24:23 -0500]:
> The asdf:run-shell-command for clisp is specified to use the output as terminal.
> That makes its output unavailable to clisp.  Instead, one should have
> something like this:
> (read (ext:run-shell-command command :output :stream :wait t))

the only place where run-shell-command is used is get-uid which is
implemented for clisp separately.

however, it does make sense to use

(ext:run-shell-command command :output (and *verbose-out* :terminal) :wait t)

instead of the current code.

note that clisp cannot accept arbitrary streams as :output and :input
arguments here.

Sam Steingold (http://sds.podval.org/) on gnu/linux terminal
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