[asdf-devel] Some points raised

Pascal J. Bourguignon pjb at informatimago.com
Fri Sep 24 14:07:11 UTC 2010

Robert Goldman <rpgoldman at sift.info>

> On 9/24/10 Sep 24 -3:49 AM, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll wrote:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.lisp/msg/93a4b06a66b0b335
>> 1- The new configuration and file searching mechanism is causing some grief.

As a user, I'll just note that I browsed the manual, didn't understand
much, and for now I'm just using:

 :centralize-lisp-binaries     t
 :default-toplevel-directory   (merge-pathnames (format nil ".cache/common-lisp/~A/" (hostname))
                                              (user-homedir-pathname) nil)
 :include-per-user-information nil
 ;; :map-all-source-files ???
 :source-to-target-mappings    nil)

and asdf:*central-registry* until I have time to learn how to do it in
the new way.

So I would say that indeed, the documentation could be improved.

>> 2- Lack *-user mailing list and need of subscription for questions. Is
>> there a sufficiently large comunity here and do we want to open the list?
> With all due respect, opening a list is pretty much never a good idea.
> It's just asking for spam.  Per my response to the above complainer, I
> think it would be great if there was a help web site that
> 1.  Allowed OpenID login --- no need for new accounts
> 2.  Served up questions to the interested through email digest and RSS.
>  As a potential question-answerer, I don't have time to log in to such a
> web site.  I would need to have the questions pushed at me.
> Is there any such existing software that we could adopt?

I'm using gmane, and the overhead to subscribe is really minimal: just
reply to a message gmane sends back the first time you post...

__Pascal Bourguignon__                     http://www.informatimago.com/

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